The issue is that the infinity focus point is a bit different with the IR conversion.
I am trying to use CHDK to manually focus where I want it, but it doesn't seem to have any effect beyond the infinity setting.If I use manual focus and set infinity, the SD gets set to around 1600.
The issue is that when I go higher than this it doesn't seem to have any effect and the pics never get sharper. I know the camera can focus beyond there because it will do it in autofocus mode. Is there some software limit I need to remove? Any other ideas?
I know the camera can focus beyond there because it will do it in autofocus mode.
I have modified an A4000 for taking IR photos and having some issues with manual focus. The issue is that the infinity focus point is a bit different with the IR conversion. Any other ideas?
I did a full sweep of set_focus shots and it doesn't seem that it will manually set focus beyond where the "infinity" is set. Autofocus will go beyond this point to get a sharp shot though.Is it possible I can alter the camera's "infinity point" in software?
My "Guess" is that the removal of the IR Filter (i.e. IR conversion) has affected the Camerasability to correctly focus.You may need to "Manually" "Re-Adjust" the Lens assembly focus or to "Substitute" something for theremoval of the IR Filter to restore the original "Optical" path.
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