i use DroneMapper Intervallometer, i used this guide:
but i dont have settings for my camera, only for sx260hs.
That script is quite primitive and will not give good images.
Here's the settings you mentioned for the sx260 :
https://conservationdrones.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/dronemapper_chdk_settings-screenshots.pdfI would recommend ignoring these camera setup suggestions and just place your camera into "Sports" mode so that it shoots with a high shutter speed.
However, if you want to try them anyway, you might be able to use the settings show in the first picture (although the CHDK User Interface has changed slightly since those images were recorded). Ignore the rest of the images for the camera GPS as I don't believe your camera has them. Note that the 14th image that suggests using AutoISO is wrong - with a fixed shutter speed this will give the wrong exposure. Set it to ISO800 and hope that works for a sunny day.
If you are serious about getting good pictures,
the script that I linked above would be much better for your purpose. Just use its default settings if you don't want to spend any time understanding it. Those settings will be 100x better than the dronemapper setup.