I don't think script log will help. That's precisely when the picture was taken according to the camera clock - which is not synced to the UAV GPS clock. I don't know of any way to sync them. If I had an accurate time offset I could definitely use the log, or the picture time stamp. But that's the problem. I don't know the time difference.
The LED flashes after each picture, but it's about one second after the shutter sound. Can you force it to flash at shutter close?
If you are using a script, you could easily log the time of a USB power pulse with ~10ms precision. Your script could just wait for the first USB pulse on startup, log the time, and then go to it's main shooting loop or exit if you are using the remote to shoot without any script. As long as your flight computer also logs time it sent the pulse, you'd have the offset.
Alternatively, if you use the synced remote code you could control the exposure start time directly from the flight computer with sub ms precision.
LED flash on shutter open should be fantastic. The future Ardupilot will support camera feedback so the UAV location and shutter open time can all be stored in the autopilot logs. This should make it very easy to precisely geotag images - which is not available now. Please let me know if I can test.
Mode 1-15
Mode Off. No LED flash at camera shutter sound One extra flash between pictures in auto mode, 2 extra flashes in Camera mode. Can you disable the extra flashes?
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