Quote from: reyalp on 13 / July / 2017, 21:48:31You need to ensure that a known OK value is set when ignore_current_write is used, something likeCode: [Select]" LDR R3, =ignore_current_write\n" // mod start" LDR R3, [R3]\n"" CMP R3, #0\n"" MOVNE R0,#1\n //fake return value of skipped sub_FF02D9F0 call" BNE loc_B\n" // skip flushing the cacheBut it's unknown whether just setting the value to 1 is OK or not.The code that uses the value only checks whether it's equal to 1 or not. Maybe either case is OK, but we should use specific value.Did ^ this. chdkptp shoot = 1x jpg saved to sdcard good.
You need to ensure that a known OK value is set when ignore_current_write is used, something likeCode: [Select]" LDR R3, =ignore_current_write\n" // mod start" LDR R3, [R3]\n"" CMP R3, #0\n"" MOVNE R0,#1\n //fake return value of skipped sub_FF02D9F0 call" BNE loc_B\n" // skip flushing the cacheBut it's unknown whether just setting the value to 1 is OK or not.The code that uses the value only checks whether it's equal to 1 or not. Maybe either case is OK, but we should use specific value.
" LDR R3, =ignore_current_write\n" // mod start" LDR R3, [R3]\n"" CMP R3, #0\n"" MOVNE R0,#1\n //fake return value of skipped sub_FF02D9F0 call" BNE loc_B\n" // skip flushing the cache
fwt log; 00039160: UI:fw mid:ff1efd1c arg2:1
Quote from: axman on 17 / July / 2017, 01:08:35Quote from: reyalp on 13 / July / 2017, 21:48:31You need to ensure that a known OK value is set when ignore_current_write is used, something likeCode: [Select]" LDR R3, =ignore_current_write\n" // mod start" LDR R3, [R3]\n"" CMP R3, #0\n"" MOVNE R0,#1\n //fake return value of skipped sub_FF02D9F0 call" BNE loc_B\n" // skip flushing the cacheBut it's unknown whether just setting the value to 1 is OK or not.The code that uses the value only checks whether it's equal to 1 or not. Maybe either case is OK, but we should use specific value.Did ^ this. chdkptp shoot = 1x jpg saved to sdcard good. Just to be clear, the above code (the MOVNE) is only used if ignore_current_write is set, meaning when remoteshoot is used.
So when shooting normally (without remoteshoot), the arg2 value is consistently 1?I wouldn't expect this to vary depending on CHDK overrides or shooting mode, but perhaps continuous or not might behave differently.If the value is consistently 1, and the code with MOVNE works with remoteshoot, I'd say it's probably good enough.
" MOVNE R0, #3\n"
No difference, arg2 is 1.
CMP R3, #0 // compare ignore_current_write value with 0MOVNE R0, #3 // if result is non equal, set R0 to 3BNE loc_B // if result is not equal go to loc_B...loc_BMOV R7, R0 // copy R0 to R7BL log_fwt_mid // log, value in R0 is the first argument (arg2 in the print)
The above -full.zip is what is reported on the camera using 'build info'. I can post a screenshot, if useful.
About point 4); If I assume 'ignore_current_write' is not being set at that point - even though it seems to log when it passes through that section - what could cause that?
void log_fwt_mid(int arg2) { _LogCameraEvent(0x60,"fw mid:%08x arg2:%d icw:%d", *(int *)(0x107BC),arg2,ignore_current_write);}
Compiler optimizing it away?
If no \DCIM exists on sdcard, and remoteshoot is run, is the expected behavior to NOT create dir on sdcard? Because \DCIM directory *is created anyway*, along with \CANONMSC containing MO105.CTG
My problem with the current active_viewport_buffer
i lose some frames (my FPS is ~6)
i get a frame with noise (random dots withs colors like a TV)
not enough light. Could this be the cause of your problem?
I'm pretty sure it isn't, if i use my preview on the same conditions (good light, etc,etc) with different active_viewport_buffers my preview FPS change dramatically.
void *vid_get_viewport_live_fb(){ return viewport_buffers[(active_viewport_buffer-1)&3];}
Maybe there are more or less than 4 buffers.
void *vid_get_viewport_live_fb(){ return viewport_buffers[(active_viewport_buffer-1)&7];}
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