Hi reyalp.
I reviewed chdkptp code for remote shooting and implemented about a half of own code for that. But... you spend many time for testing chdkptp and implemented so many options. Since I should have to use camera's part of chdkptp code, I tried to find way how to parse rlibs.lua from my software for send to camera.
I understood that I can implement only small set of chdkptp functionality and I'm not planning to improve it so much because it's only one small part of my application.
It will be one more small framework only for my application that will not be useful for many people. If somebody will want to use and improve my java framework, we will have to always synchronize code with chdkptp.
Instead, I tried to implement more general solution. I found Lua interpreter for java - luaj. So, I need to reimplement only C part of chdkptp and will be able to use full power of chdkptp options.
You can see result of my 2 days hacking at
https://github.com/alex73/chdkptp/tree/master/java/src. I'm not sure that I implemented Lua object model so good, but it works and can be improved.
For support full chdkptp functionality, more methods should be implemented, but it's already good skeleton. Also, need to make some code cleanup and commenting.
I used CHDK-PTP-Java for USB access, but I'm planning to remove it. This framework can be simplified, but there are not any place for discussion with authors and looks like authors lost interest to it. Today I know enough for implement USB code myself like in the ptp.c.
So, my implementation are using full Lua code from chdkptp(camera side and desktop side). I used command line method for run remote shooting(see SysLib.java), but it will be better to create binding for all chdkptp command for java. It's enough simple thing but requires little changes in the main.lua or other thing.
There is only one "fix" for lua code - connection should be prepared in java code because connect/disconnect in Lua code doesn't do anything. It's required for integrate framework into application and call Lua code many times for open connection. It can be fixed if need after binding to lua command will be prepared.
GPL is good license, and it will be better to improve one good framework instead create new one.
reyalp, what do you think about just include my java code after some cleanup into chdkptp ?
WBR, Alex.