I currently have a Powershot A2400IS with CHDK 1.3. I have this connected via USB to a single-board linux computer (currently using the Odroid U3). The Odroid is reading in data from an external GPS / IMU via its serial port; this is for a UAV that captures ground images.
I have a C program running on the Odroid that reads the sensor data from the serial port, shoots the images, and tags the images with the data. I have a Lua session running in the program from which I call CHDKPTP commands; I'm using
remoteshoot -jpg in order to capture images. I'm currently relying on the system timestamp from the Odroid in order to synchronize the sensor data and the images - so basically getting the system time when an image capture is triggered and then getting the (interpolated) sensor data reading at that time.
I am currently getting a timestamp immediately before the
rs_shoot function is called on the camera end (so just before
this line). This is using CHDKPTP's
sys.gettimeofday(). However, from my testing I am seeing a 0.3-0.4s delay between the time when the function is called and when the image is captured - this is when shooting with 1/1000s shutter speed at f/2.8 and 100ISO, exposure and focus locked manually with the half-shutter + AEL/AFL buttons before shooting.
My test setup right now is to take a picture of the screen on which I have 1) the system timestamp associated with each image (shown in the top pane) and 2) the actual system time when the image was captured (shown in the bottom pane). #2 is done via a bash command that provides a live clock of the system time. Here's an example:

Both times are in microseconds since epoch. In this case the time when the image was captured (1436928490377353) is about 0.33 seconds after the stamped time (1436928490047308).
I'm wondering:
a) what is the source of this delay? Does it depend on my exposure settings (beyond just shutter speed)? I still have to do more testing, but I'm wondering if it is systematic and could be calibrated out.
b) Is there a way to get a more precise timestamp from the camera itself that is also synchronized with the system clock?
I'd really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction on this.