IXUS 170 Porting - page 7 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

IXUS 170 Porting

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Offline momo

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Re: IXUS 170 Porting
« Reply #60 on: 06 / April / 2017, 22:20:55 »
As a result, I would expect the camera to start in a certain mode (playback?) regardless of the button used to start it. Pressing and holding the ON/OFF button would likely result in the same start as pressing the playback button.

@momo: can you confirm this?
The camera starts in rec mode with the on/off button, and in playback mode with the playback button. Indeed always starts in playback, sorry for misreporting.


Offline momo

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Re: IXUS 170 Porting
« Reply #61 on: 07 / April / 2017, 11:48:58 »
Here is a slightly improved color matrix, and that’s it, I cannot do any better.
Code: [Select]
   0.99458  -0.21057  -0.12089
  -0.35437    1.1716   0.18276
 -0.022566   0.15516   0.45357
To evaluate this matrix, I made a CIE chromaticity diagram (attached). Black symbols are calibration data of the color target, red ones are calculated from a photograph of the target using the matrix above. Ideally, the red and black symbols should coincide, but that never happens. I think the correspondence is pretty good and even extends outside the sRGB color space (black triangle).


Offline momo

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Re: IXUS 170 Porting
« Reply #62 on: 22 / April / 2017, 06:53:30 »
Thinking about it some more, I'm no longer sure that starting in rec mode is impossible, using the current code.
As always, you are right: it starts as it is intended to (short press – review, long press – rec).

Awfully sorry, guys, for the wrong reporting again! Another blunder of mine. Promise to better myself.


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Re: IXUS 170 Porting
« Reply #63 on: 22 / April / 2017, 09:33:51 »
As an aside, the camera recognizes CRW_*.CR2 as raw images, and they are also visible over PTP. Once a *.CR2 is recorded, the camera needs a restart to know it is there (as usual). Then, in REVIEW mode, it marks the image as, for example, “RAW+L” (if L is the image quality set in the Canon menu). Erasing the image, it presents a choice of “erase RAW/JPEG/RAW+JPEG”.

Incidentally, “show RAW saving time” doesn’t show anything, but I may have misunderstood what it was supposed to do.

As another aside, in manual flash mode (in the CHDK sense, as there’s no manual flash option in Canon menus), the flash power (or rather energy) presets are stored at 0xE7AA8 and default to 10, 45, 800 for min-mid-max power. So, setting flash to manual and min power and poking at 0xE7AA8 with an integer in the range of 1 to 800 or more will change the flash power from min (an almost invisible blink) to full.


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Re: IXUS 170 Porting
« Reply #64 on: 22 / April / 2017, 10:02:59 »
As an aside, the camera recognizes CRW_*.CR2 as raw images, and they are also visible over PTP. Once a *.CR2 is recorded, the camera needs a restart to know it is there (as usual). Then, in REVIEW mode, it marks the image as, for example, “RAW+L” (if L is the image quality set in the Canon menu). Erasing the image, it presents a choice of “erase RAW/JPEG/RAW+JPEG”.
It seems to be normal for newer cameras, I see it on sx410.
Incidentally, “show RAW saving time” doesn’t show anything, but I may have misunderstood what it was supposed to do.
The display time in the console is too short, you can see it in the "Last console".
Miscellaneous Stuff->Console->Display last console


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: IXUS 170 Porting
« Reply #65 on: 23 / June / 2018, 15:39:43 »
This port is now in svn.

Test version attached for firmware 100a.

I'm not sure what has or has not been tested.
If someone (with the camera) feels this port is stable enough to be released officially, please post here.

outdated test build removed

ixus170_elph170-100a-1.5.0-5056-full.zip (794.64 kB - downloaded 3 times.)
« Last Edit: 14 / July / 2018, 12:00:16 by srsa_4c »


Offline reyalp

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Re: IXUS 170 Porting
« Reply #66 on: 08 / July / 2018, 17:01:21 »
FWIW, I'm pretty sure this camera has an ND, not iris.
It has task_Nd + NdActuator.c and not task_IrisEvent + IrisActuator.c
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: IXUS 170 Porting
« Reply #67 on: 14 / July / 2018, 11:59:29 »
FWIW, I'm pretty sure this camera has an ND, not iris.
It has task_Nd + NdActuator.c and not task_IrisEvent + IrisActuator.c
Corrected in changeset 5075.

I changed the alternative ALT button from VIDEO to HELP, so that it doesn't clash with the raw shortcut function.

New test build attached.


Offline Caefix

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Re: IXUS 170 Porting
« Reply #68 on: 07 / April / 2021, 14:46:39 »
 :-* Zebra, USB-Remote & latest ptp-patch2  improvement (~#5811) all right, maybe tiny issues in ndtest / ptp-camtest left?

Added  a 640*480 testshot, size on SD=94kb.  :blink:
It´s CRW_2637.DNG has 128*96*24, on SD=30137kb.
« Last Edit: 07 / April / 2021, 15:25:49 by Caefix »
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Offline srsa_4c

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Re: IXUS 170 Porting
« Reply #69 on: 07 / April / 2021, 17:43:32 »
It´s CRW_2637.DNG has 128*96*24, on SD=30137kb.
If that surprises you, try a DNG from one of your other cameras. 128*96 is the size of the embedded thumbnail. Some software (Irfanview for example) will show the thumbnail when set to show the embedded preview.


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