I'd like to help in porting CHDK to the IXUS 170. To begin with, here's the firmware dump. This is from firmware revision 100a, as identified by ACID. The log from basic dumper script:Code: [Select]StartedFF810000 drydone
StartedFF810000 drydone
Quote from: appas on 26 / July / 2015, 10:43:15I'd like to help in porting CHDK to the IXUS 170. To begin with, here's the firmware dump. This is from firmware revision 100a, as identified by ACID. The log from basic dumper script:Code: [Select]StartedFF810000 drydoneHi fe50, a FW link for Ixus 170 was posted on another thread, please pick it up. In case it's down send a PM as I downloaded it and filed it away.
Added theIXUS 170 / ELPH 170HS 1.00Afull 8MB dump by appas from this forum post to the CHDK P&S FW dumps repository.
Whats the problem with porting ixus 170 here? No enough time, skills or unsolvable problems?
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