Help: switching to spot metering mode - Script Writing - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

Help: switching to spot metering mode

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Offline dazzy

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Help: switching to spot metering mode
« on: 04 / May / 2008, 08:13:28 »
Hi, there.
I am using fast intervalometer script to take burst of shots of the moon for stacking. Occasionally, it's quite annoying to find that I forgot to switch to continous mode, spot metering, RAW enabled right after I fired up the script.

So I decided to do some modification to get the script to check and set the camera to the desired status if needed. Codes for enabling RAW Mode and switching to continuous drive seem to work ok. But the metering mode switch code is giving some unexpected result.

It's supposed to work this way: Assuming script runs right after camera fresh boot, Av mode, so the cursor on the function menu would always stay on EV steps item(1st item). Click down arrow 5 times to reach metering mode item(6th item), then click right arrow until get_prop 9 returns 1. The code entered function menu, but failed to reach metering item. Instead, it just selected "My Color" or bracket(the 4th or the 5th item, the final selection is random). So right after that just dead loop, looking for a value never gets right.

My camera is S3 IS. Allbest build 50. Here is the code:
Code: [Select]
rem enable RAW
set_raw 1

rem set to continuous drive mode
get_prop 6 a
while a<>1
click "timer"
get_prop 6 a

rem switch to spot metering mode
rem get metering mode status
get_prop 9 a
if a=1 then goto "proceed"

rem not spot, bring up function menu
click "erase"

rem move cursor from exposure compensation to metering mode
for i= 1 to 5
click "down"
next i

rem select spot metering mode
click "right"
get_prop 9 a
until a=1

rem exit function menu
click "erase"
rem fast intervalometer script codes here

Is there anyone would throw some lights on this matter? Thanks.


Offline Jucifer

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Re: Help: switching to spot metering mode
« Reply #1 on: 04 / May / 2008, 08:34:48 »
You could try adding a sleep to that down clicking loop.

Code: [Select]
rem move cursor from exposure compensation to metering mode
for i= 1 to 5
sleep 100
click "down"
next i


Offline dazzy

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Re: Help: switching to spot metering mode
« Reply #2 on: 04 / May / 2008, 10:50:37 »
Thanks, Jucifer. The added "sleep 100" command does help stabilize the outcome. Now it will always  go to the 5th item. Still one item ahead. I'll try tomorrow to find out where more sleeps are needed to make those moves "distinguishable" for the camera.


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