//"BLX R12\n" // !! Workaround !!"MOV LR, PC\n" // gcc won't compile "BLX R12" nor "BL R12"."MOV PC, R12\n" // workaround: make your own "BL" and hope we don't need the change to thumb-mode
This code was used on a580:Code: [Select]//"BLX R12\n" // !! Workaround !!"MOV LR, PC\n" // gcc won't compile "BLX R12" nor "BL R12"."MOV PC, R12\n" // workaround: make your own "BL" and hope we don't need the change to thumb-mode
Index: arm_rules.inc===================================================================--- arm_rules.inc (revision 5269)+++ arm_rules.inc (working copy)@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ # TODO should be -mcpu, but breaks things ATM CFLAGS+=-mtune=arm946e-s $(ARCH) endif+ ifeq ($(GCC_VERSION_MAJOR),9)+ # TODO assuming the same limitations as above. Does this still apply with GCC 9?+ CFLAGS+=-mtune=arm946e-s $(ARCH)+ endif else ifdef DIGIC7 CFLAGS+=-march=armv7-a -mthumb -DTHUMB_FWIndex: loader/makefile_loader.inc===================================================================--- loader/makefile_loader.inc (revision 5269)+++ loader/makefile_loader.inc (working copy)@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ include $(topdir)makefile_cam.inc -LDOPTS=-nostdlib -Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined -Wl,--no-define-common,-EL,-T,$(tools)/link-boot.ld -Wl,-N,-Ttext,$(MEMBASEADDR)+LDOPTS=-nostdlib -Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined -shared -Wl,--no-define-common,-EL,-T,$(tools)/link-boot.ld -Wl,-N,-Ttext,$(MEMBASEADDR) CORE_FILE=$(camfw)/main.bin
--no-define-common may not be used without -shared
I just tried building CHDK for my A2200 with arm-none-eabi-gcc version 9.2.0 and binutils version 2.32 and it did not work. I just got a black screen. Thankfully it did not brick my camera. This might be the same issue relating to the blx instruction but I am not yet sure on this. Since GCC 5 is getting more and more obsolete is it time to discuss a fix for this?
Is there a way to debug the generated binary? The only thing I can think of is blinking the LED after going past certain "checkpoints".
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