This camera is running ixus115_elph100hs-100c-1.3.0-4169Same settings (no servo, no blink, AF frame center...)Last photo taken: 2015:08:23 06:22:04Romlog:ASSERT!! MotionVector.c Line 339Occured Time 2015:08:23 06:22:12Task ID: 24379444Task name: LiveImageTas0
BL TryReceiveMessageQueueTST R0, #1LDRNE R1, =0x153ADRNE R0, aMotionvector_c ; "MotionVector.c"BLNE DebugAssert
The romlog I posted was using a slight modification to that script (it shuts the display off immediately after each shot.)
A3300, my script, last photo at 2015:08:06 07:05:10, crash at ...:18I don't think the 8-9 seconds after last photo can be considered coincidental at this point.
the 8-9 second after shutter release "crash zone"
If you observe the camera (and its LCD) while the script is working, does anything visible happen 8-9 second after the shot?
The script will be in this loop during the crash::wait_loop b=get_tick_count if b<S then goto "wait_loop"
The canon software must be doing some housekeeping occasionally, and we're out of memory or stack, or changed something that conflicts.
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