I never had courage to try chdk on my S5IS- too scared of damaging the camera!
Then damaged the camera anyway and had no choice but to replace it - with SX50. Took my courage + new camera + chdk to the wildnerness and discovered a whole new world of dark skies, long exposures and time lapse - I was totally blown away, and became hooked on chdk. Then I wrecked the SX50, and here I am now with my SX60 100f and chdk 1.5.0-4631 successfully loaded - so thank you, thank you to all the guys who went before and all those working on this SX60 port - you are truly amazing.
I have two problems: after pressing ON/OFF button, chdk loads via write locked bootable SD card, but
1) the menus are very small and I find hard to read - ALT menu is only 1/2 as wide as the LCD screen - is there perhaps a chdk option to increase the size? (I looked but couldn't find anything), and then also
(2) after entering ALT mode, changing settings in Enhanced Photo Operations (menus are all steady - no flickering), exiting ALT mode, entering record mode via shutter 1/2 press, I find chdk batt % and temp displays are now flickering rapidly. Returning to ALT mode, all the chdk menus are also now flickering rapidly so that I can't read the choices or make any selections.
Any tests I can do and report on that might help someone work out a fix?