does it have continous/live HDMI output ?
For "Most" Canon P&S HDMI cameras HDMI is only available in "Play-Back" Only.
And then only if HDMI is enabled in the Canon menu. As an owner of a bunch of
used P&S HDMI cameras HDMI is very rarely turned on by the prior P&S Owners.
The EOS M3, when in "Record", dose support "live HDMI output" ... (with a small delay)
The EOS M3, when in "Record", the"live HDMI output" is NOT Available when using
Canon's Camera Connect Smart Device Android App, because it uses "Remote Live View".
Camera Connect also supports "Remote Camera Control" .... BUT....
The Camera Connect is not 100% reliable, failures include:-
a/ The (four annual) updates sometimes just don't work, or
b/ WiFi will connect, and work, on one M3 camera and not on another M3 camera. (

c/ WiFi will connect, and work, on one Smart Device and not on another Smart Device. (

d/ The NFC will work, on one M3 camera and not on another M3 camera. (

e/ If it dose work and you get "Remote Live View" screen will then disconnect the M3 camera. (

f/ Prior version's of Camera Connect can be found by using Google. (caution is required !!!)
I just Un-Install and then Re-Install via a Micro-SD or a OTG + HUB + USB-Stick.
Edit #1; For anyone interested in "Camera Connect.apk":-
".apk" = ("Android") + ("PK" zip)
Just change the ".apk" to ".zip" and de-compress + dis-assemble the Camera":-
you can then observe what is changed between versions.
The P&C series cameras that support "Remote-WiFi" has different modules
to the EOS series cameras that support "Remote-WiFi".
Note #1; Reliable multiple Camera's using "Remote-WiFi" are possible by using Multiple "Phones or Tablets"
Note #2; Canons new M5 also uses Bluetooth for a more robust, but low level,
Remote camera communications then switches to "Remote-WiFi" mode.