EOS M3 porting - page 73 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

EOS M3 porting

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Re: EOS M3 porting
« Reply #720 on: 08 / October / 2022, 14:15:35 »
you could call it rev 4, because it is the 4th version of the m3 software.
it's 121a.
coincidentally also the version that is available as firmware update on the canon site.
frustration is a key ingredient in progress


Offline c_joerg

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Re: EOS M3 porting
« Reply #721 on: 08 / October / 2022, 14:50:27 »
I don't think so.
My M3 with 121a Firmware   : 1.21 rev 1.00
M100 100a, M3 121a, G9x II (1.00c), 2*G1x (101a,100e), S110 (103a), SX50 (100c), SX230 (101a), S45,
Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/136329431@N06/albums
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrTH0tHy9OYTVDzWIvXEMlw/videos?shelf_id=0&view=0&sort=dd


Offline reyalp

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Re: EOS M3 porting
« Reply #722 on: 08 / October / 2022, 15:48:30 »
What is that M3 Firmware    : 1.00 rev 4.00
We have no port for that or?
That's 100d, which we've seen before, but do not have a port for. Given there are canon firmware updates to later, CHDK supported versions, there's no reason to a port for it.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline reyalp

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Re: EOS M3 porting
« Reply #723 on: 13 / March / 2023, 22:17:16 »
Here are test builds with multi-partition support for M3 firmware 101a and 120f.  Previously this was only implemented for the 121a firmware.

I'll probably check this in blind if there's no response, but if any owners can confirm they work, that would be appreciated. Checking that the build still works with a normal, single partition card is enough, actually testing the multi-partition functionality would be a bonus but is not necessary.

Multi-partition is implemented because using exFAT reportedly gives better performance on large cards, see https://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=14566.0 for background.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline reyalp

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Re: EOS M3 porting
« Reply #724 on: 18 / March / 2023, 20:11:27 »
@pigeonhill what firmware M3 do you have? If it's not 121a, can you check the build in the previous post? Don't need to test the multiparition functionality, just confirmation that it boots on a normal card.

Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: EOS M3 porting
« Reply #725 on: 19 / March / 2023, 08:42:39 »
@pigeonhill what firmware M3 do you have? If it's not 121a, can you check the build in the previous post? Don't need to test the multiparition functionality, just confirmation that it boots on a normal card.


Just confirmed your 120f build above boots OK on my M3  :)


Offline reyalp

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Re: EOS M3 porting
« Reply #726 on: 19 / March / 2023, 19:56:52 »
Just confirmed your 120f build above boots OK on my M3  :)
Thanks. Checked in as trunk r6229, all m3 subs should now support multipartition.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: EOS M3 porting
« Reply #727 on: 29 / May / 2023, 10:14:50 »
Hi Guys,

I am a newbie in CHDK, buy an eos m3 to do macro focus bracketing but still had no success!

I prefer to use uBasic, It's too simple, but get_focus always return 0 and also set_focus is not working at all! (shoot and sleep works correctly)

On the other hand, there is some lua code written by @pigeonhill for m3, but I could not get it to work because of a syntax error around @ in the first line, and also the lua code is too complicated to understand!

1- Does anyone know why get_focus/set_focus is not working?
2- Why do I have syntax errors around @ in lua code?

EOS m3 firmware 121a
ef-m 18-55mm
CHDK 1.7

lua code written by @pigeonhill: (Thanks @pigeonhill)

Code: [Select]
@title LBS-M
@chdk_version 1.7
@subtitle Bracketing Options
#mode = 0 "Focus?" {Off X2INF Min2INF Manual Min2X SupRes}
#bracket = 0 "Exposure?" {Off 1(4Ev) 1(3Ev) 1(2Ev) 2(2Ev) 3(2Ev) ISO AutoX>H Wind3Ev Wind4Ev HandH AutoS>H}
#sky = 0 "Sky?" {Off 2Ev 3Ev 4Ev 5Ev 6Ev ETTR}
#ndf = 0 "ND?" [-5 30]
@subtitle Bracketing Settings
#infinity = 3 "Infinity Focus (xH)" [2 4]
#overlap = 15 "Overlap Blur (um)" [5 30]
#pmag = 1 "Assumed Pupil Mag" [1 6]
#hhmin = 30 "HH Min Tv (1/x s)" [10 100]
#isoval = 0 "X Bracketing Value" {+1/200 +2/400 +3/800 +4/1600 +5/3200}
#srpix = 0 "SupRes Pixel Shift?" {Off -+ ++}
@subtitle Other Settings
#dofs = 0 "DoF Display" {Blur DoFs Both}
#diff = 0 "Diffraction Aware?" {Off Vis IR}
#traf = 0 "Traffic Lights" {Off On}
#evmode = 0 "Exposure Help" {Off Survey ETTR}
#sleep_time = 0 "Delay (s)" [0 10]
#bookends = 1 "Bookends?" {Off On}
#histoon = 0 "CHDK Histogram" {Off On}
#screen_off = 0 "Screen?" {Off On}
#log = 0 "Log?" {Off On Reset}
#help = 0 "Console" {Off On}
#lens = 0 "Lens Name?" {Off On}
#usefd = 0 "Focus distance" {lower Upper Harmonic}
#hlw = 1 "Over X Warning Bins" [1 10]
#bp = 0 "Black Level Sensitivity" {Normal Medium High}
#limit = 0 "ETTR limit" [0 10]
#ettro = 0 "ETTR Offset (Ev)" [0 5]
#title = 1 "Title Line" {Off Full Exit}
* This script only runs on the M3 or M10 with the XIMR version of CHDK (1.7) and the camera should be in M mode.
* Focus functionality and time based ND bracketing needs a registered EF-M lens. Non registered EF-M lenses can only be used with certain exposure bracketing logic.
* The focus bracketing works best with wide angle lenses, as tele lenses will usually mean too many focus brackets - be warned ;-)
* Set the CHDK ALT button to anything other than m-FN (M3) or VIDEO (M10), as these buttons are used as a second shutter button to start bracketing
* Register your lens below in the lens_info() function. Note only EF-M lenses will allow full focus functionality. Non EF-M lenses may 'play up' ;-)
* This script is not designed for macro focus stacking; it is intended for non-macro, deep focus photography only.
* If you reset/delete the log, you need to set the log menu after.
* Use the M-Fn button on the M3 to initiate bracketing, or the VIDEO button on the M10. Note there is a difference between Off and Manual in focus bracketing options
* For non-auto focus control I recommend using Manual with Traffic Lights on. Off will just take a single image without traffic lights
* In manual mode, if traffic light (TL) feedback is enabled, once an image is captured, the left hand TL shows the near DoF's focus overlap state, relative to the last image captured...
* ...and the right TL shows the far DoF's overlap state relative to the last image captured. Yellow = same focus; green = a positive overlap; red = a negative overlap (a gap).
* Changing focal length or aperture will reset the traffic lights.
* The CHDK histogram can be toggled on and off by pressing the MENU button. Postion the histogram in the CHDK OSD editor.
* A long half shutter press will allow you to toggle and set the focus and exposure bracketing, delay, bookends and sky bracketing by using the LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, UP and SET buttons respectively...
* ...followed by a half shutter button press to return to the shooting mode
* Auto ETTR by pressing the wheel right button.
* If auto exposure bracketing is selected, first set the exposure for the shadows; the script will auto bracket by the requested Ev step until the ETTR exposure is reached
* Exposure survey/help provides two options. The first provides Ev feed back on the current exposure relative to the last captured image. The second provides...
* ...1/3 stop feedback in the top 1Ev highlight area, showing the % of the histogram in each 1/3 stop. If any of the histogram is in the top 3 bins of the histogram, then...
* ...the display switches to show the % of the histogram in those three bins
* Use the "Assumed Pupil Mag" menu item to refine focus overlap insurance. Use 1 for a telephoto lens...
* ...for a retrofocus lens simply guess the pupil mag if you don't know it (exit/entrance ratio), but round up, ie slightly over estimate for DoF insurance
* All UI presented distances, ie focus and DoFs, are relative to the sensor plane.
* Note: If the bar disappears, just do a half shutter press.
* Exit script via a full shutter press
Release 2.02
April 2023

require "drawings"

Re: EOS M3 porting
« Reply #728 on: 29 / May / 2023, 10:52:27 »
Hi Guys,

I am a newbie in CHDK, buy an eos m3 to do macro focus bracketing but still had no success!

I prefer to use uBasic, It's too simple, but get_focus always return 0 and also set_focus is not working at all! (shoot and sleep works correctly)

On the other hand, there is some lua code written by @pigeonhill for m3, but I could not get it to work because of a syntax error around @ in the first line, and also the lua code is too complicated to understand!

1- Does anyone know why get_focus/set_focus is not working?
2- Why do I have syntax errors around @ in lua code?

EOS m3 firmware 121a
ef-m 18-55mm
CHDK 1.7

lua code written by @pigeonhill: (Thanks @pigeonhill)

Code: [Select]
@title LBS-M
@chdk_version 1.7
@subtitle Bracketing Options
#mode = 0 "Focus?" {Off X2INF Min2INF Manual Min2X SupRes}
#bracket = 0 "Exposure?" {Off 1(4Ev) 1(3Ev) 1(2Ev) 2(2Ev) 3(2Ev) ISO AutoX>H Wind3Ev Wind4Ev HandH AutoS>H}
#sky = 0 "Sky?" {Off 2Ev 3Ev 4Ev 5Ev 6Ev ETTR}
#ndf = 0 "ND?" [-5 30]
@subtitle Bracketing Settings
#infinity = 3 "Infinity Focus (xH)" [2 4]
#overlap = 15 "Overlap Blur (um)" [5 30]
#pmag = 1 "Assumed Pupil Mag" [1 6]
#hhmin = 30 "HH Min Tv (1/x s)" [10 100]
#isoval = 0 "X Bracketing Value" {+1/200 +2/400 +3/800 +4/1600 +5/3200}
#srpix = 0 "SupRes Pixel Shift?" {Off -+ ++}
@subtitle Other Settings
#dofs = 0 "DoF Display" {Blur DoFs Both}
#diff = 0 "Diffraction Aware?" {Off Vis IR}
#traf = 0 "Traffic Lights" {Off On}
#evmode = 0 "Exposure Help" {Off Survey ETTR}
#sleep_time = 0 "Delay (s)" [0 10]
#bookends = 1 "Bookends?" {Off On}
#histoon = 0 "CHDK Histogram" {Off On}
#screen_off = 0 "Screen?" {Off On}
#log = 0 "Log?" {Off On Reset}
#help = 0 "Console" {Off On}
#lens = 0 "Lens Name?" {Off On}
#usefd = 0 "Focus distance" {lower Upper Harmonic}
#hlw = 1 "Over X Warning Bins" [1 10]
#bp = 0 "Black Level Sensitivity" {Normal Medium High}
#limit = 0 "ETTR limit" [0 10]
#ettro = 0 "ETTR Offset (Ev)" [0 5]
#title = 1 "Title Line" {Off Full Exit}
* This script only runs on the M3 or M10 with the XIMR version of CHDK (1.7) and the camera should be in M mode.
* Focus functionality and time based ND bracketing needs a registered EF-M lens. Non registered EF-M lenses can only be used with certain exposure bracketing logic.
* The focus bracketing works best with wide angle lenses, as tele lenses will usually mean too many focus brackets - be warned ;-)
* Set the CHDK ALT button to anything other than m-FN (M3) or VIDEO (M10), as these buttons are used as a second shutter button to start bracketing
* Register your lens below in the lens_info() function. Note only EF-M lenses will allow full focus functionality. Non EF-M lenses may 'play up' ;-)
* This script is not designed for macro focus stacking; it is intended for non-macro, deep focus photography only.
* If you reset/delete the log, you need to set the log menu after.
* Use the M-Fn button on the M3 to initiate bracketing, or the VIDEO button on the M10. Note there is a difference between Off and Manual in focus bracketing options
* For non-auto focus control I recommend using Manual with Traffic Lights on. Off will just take a single image without traffic lights
* In manual mode, if traffic light (TL) feedback is enabled, once an image is captured, the left hand TL shows the near DoF's focus overlap state, relative to the last image captured...
* ...and the right TL shows the far DoF's overlap state relative to the last image captured. Yellow = same focus; green = a positive overlap; red = a negative overlap (a gap).
* Changing focal length or aperture will reset the traffic lights.
* The CHDK histogram can be toggled on and off by pressing the MENU button. Postion the histogram in the CHDK OSD editor.
* A long half shutter press will allow you to toggle and set the focus and exposure bracketing, delay, bookends and sky bracketing by using the LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, UP and SET buttons respectively...
* ...followed by a half shutter button press to return to the shooting mode
* Auto ETTR by pressing the wheel right button.
* If auto exposure bracketing is selected, first set the exposure for the shadows; the script will auto bracket by the requested Ev step until the ETTR exposure is reached
* Exposure survey/help provides two options. The first provides Ev feed back on the current exposure relative to the last captured image. The second provides...
* ...1/3 stop feedback in the top 1Ev highlight area, showing the % of the histogram in each 1/3 stop. If any of the histogram is in the top 3 bins of the histogram, then...
* ...the display switches to show the % of the histogram in those three bins
* Use the "Assumed Pupil Mag" menu item to refine focus overlap insurance. Use 1 for a telephoto lens...
* ...for a retrofocus lens simply guess the pupil mag if you don't know it (exit/entrance ratio), but round up, ie slightly over estimate for DoF insurance
* All UI presented distances, ie focus and DoFs, are relative to the sensor plane.
* Note: If the bar disappears, just do a half shutter press.
* Exit script via a full shutter press
Release 2.02
April 2023

require "drawings"

Get and set focus will not work on the M3 with EF-M lenses, hence my script ;-)

Could you give more info on the error you are getting. 

BTW the script runs on my M3.

Re: EOS M3 porting
« Reply #729 on: 29 / May / 2023, 11:18:03 »
@pigeonhill Thanks for your flashing fast reply, also I had a look at your works on 500px, and found it fantastic!

The syntax error disappeared itself! Unfortunately, I did not get the problem!
The code is working now and I have the first automated focus bracketing on my camera.

Could you please help me understand what each parameter does in detail? (or give a reference if you have)
Is it a good idea to use this script for ultra macro (6x magnification) to stack about 100 frames at once?

Thanks in Advance
« Last Edit: 29 / May / 2023, 11:21:47 by alireza13 »


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