rawopint.lua: Fast, accurate intervalometer with raw exposure metering - page 6 - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum

rawopint.lua: Fast, accurate intervalometer with raw exposure metering

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Offline reyalp

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Re: rawopint.lua: Fast, accurate intervalometer with raw exposure metering
« Reply #50 on: 03 / October / 2017, 16:28:06 »
I tried setting the Interval to 600 (* 1/10 s -> one picture every 60 seconds), with Shots set to 0 (unlimited), but the camera only took one picture.
Thanks, you've found a bug. The script was written to take pictures as fast as possible, so I haven't really tested long intervals. It will probably fail if the interval is a longer than 10 seconds + the time require to shoot.

If you want to try a workaround, you can change the line (around line 1758 in the file)
Code: [Select]
to something like
Code: [Select]
However, there might be other problems with long intervals.

Also, you should know the method this script uses for exposure calculation is not really suited to long intervals. It uses the image data from the previous shot, so with a 60 second interval, there's a lot more likely to be major changes. For long intervals like this, you might be better of using an intervalometer that does a half press and camera auto-exposure every shot.

BTW is there a way of reading/setting menu values on the card?
The settings are stored in CHDK/DATA/rawopint.N where N is the number of the parameter set in the menu. You could edit this manually if you are careful.
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Re: rawopint.lua: Fast, accurate intervalometer with raw exposure metering
« Reply #51 on: 04 / October / 2017, 05:04:34 »
Thanks, reyalp, I'm using the program to monitor my super battery pack to try to understand what is going wrong with the connections between the battery and the camera (A470). Some sets of wires (jumper leads with croc clips, 30 cm) seem to work just fine and I can get the predicted 11 hours of shooting out of the batteries; with others (DC power output lead, 2 m) the camera shuts down after much less time. Even inserting a standard 9V  battery clip shortens the shooting time considerably. Resistance doesn't seem to be an issue (all weigh in at about 0.5 - 1.0 ohms).

Cheers, Lee


Offline reyalp

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Re: rawopint.lua: Fast, accurate intervalometer with raw exposure metering
« Reply #52 on: 04 / March / 2018, 18:58:09 »
First post is updated with version 0.24. This fixes the issue with > 10 sec intervals discussed above. The script is still not optimal for long intervals since metering is done using the previous shot.

I also removed the initial ND state option. With the "hidden" ND now understood to be aperture control (https://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=13228.msg135727#msg135727), there is little need for it. If you want to use the ND settings on one of these cameras (sx170is sx220hs sx230hs sx240hs sx260hs sx280hs  sx40hs sx50hs sx510hs sx60hs), make sure the aperture is set to full open before running the script. If you have a camera with ND + iris where the ND state isn't correctly detected (propset 1 or 3), set it to OUT in the Canon firmware before starting the script.
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Re: rawopint.lua: Fast, accurate intervalometer with raw exposure metering
« Reply #53 on: 05 / March / 2018, 16:15:31 »
Hello all together,

let me first thank you, reyalp, for this wonderful script.

I'm testing it for the last two weeks now with a G1X and G16 and must say, that I'm very impressed from the results. But what I still see is a jump in the brightness after sunset, when the scene gets darker. With the G1X as well as the G16. I did a test shooting with some new settings this evening with both cameras and checked the exposures afterwards. I didn't had time to process the movies, but I attach both log files. So interested people may have a look at it.

Look at image 789 and 790 with G1X and 5165 and 5166 with G16.

Please let me know if there are some more information needed.

Thank you and many greetings



Offline reyalp

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Re: rawopint.lua: Fast, accurate intervalometer with raw exposure metering
« Reply #54 on: 06 / March / 2018, 02:52:58 »
But what I still see is a jump in the brightness after sunset, when the scene gets darker. With the G1X as well as the G16.
Thanks for posting. I don't see an obvious explanation in the logs, from the script point of view, both looks like the scene suddenly got darker for one frame.
On G1x, meter96 goes from -177 in image 788 to -279 in 789
On G16 it goes from -140 in image 5164 to -240 in 5165
There's some effect in the later frames because the script tried to adjust.

On G1 X, this happened right when the ISO switched to 400, which might be related to the ISO weirdness on this camera (thread https://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=13191.0). I think there are some fixes for this in the 1.5 tree that aren't in 1.4, so you might try that.

That does explain G16 though, it isn't known to have this kind of problem, and the glitch happens going from ISO 147 to 151.

If you can upload the the original image files 788 to 790 from g1x, 5164-5166 from g16, that might be interesting. The forum doesn't allow large files or many in post, you can use dropbox, google drive etc.
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Offline c_joerg

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Re: rawopint.lua: Fast, accurate intervalometer with raw exposure metering
« Reply #55 on: 06 / March / 2018, 04:16:02 »
On G1 X, this happened right when the ISO switched to 400, which might be related to the ISO weirdness on this camera (thread https://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=13191.0). I think there are some fixes for this in the 1.5 tree that aren't in 1.4, so you might try that.

Yes that’s looks exactly like the ISO Problem of G1x. He is using g1x-100g-1.4.1-4988 an the fix is only in 1.5..0.  With g1x-101a-1.5.0-4876 on my G1x it’s works fine. But only on cont mode. The quick mode still doesn’t work.
Reply #57

That does explain G16 though, it isn't known to have this kind of problem, and the glitch happens going from ISO 147 to 151.

Looks like the G16 has the same ISO problem. We fixed it only on G1x, SX50 and S110.

If have seen 1.5 for G1x is only for Firmware 1.01a available :(  Why?
« Last Edit: 06 / March / 2018, 05:56:57 by c_joerg »
M100 100a, M3 121a, G9x II (1.00c), 2*G1x (101a,100e), S110 (103a), SX50 (100c), SX230 (101a), S45,
Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/136329431@N06/albums
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrTH0tHy9OYTVDzWIvXEMlw/videos?shelf_id=0&view=0&sort=dd

Re: rawopint.lua: Fast, accurate intervalometer with raw exposure metering
« Reply #56 on: 06 / March / 2018, 12:48:03 »
Hey there,

c_joerg is absolutly right, v1.5 is only available for firmware 1.01a and that isn't on my camera. I do another test right now with the hack that lapser did and will see if it works or not. Alternatives are firmware update on the G1X, a fix of the problem in 1.4 or build a 1.5 for 1.00g.
To check the images as you request it, reyalp, I opened a folder in dropbox where I put the images in. Feel free and have a look at it. By the way: I took the potos in cont mode.

Let me know if you need something more.


Offline reyalp

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Re: rawopint.lua: Fast, accurate intervalometer with raw exposure metering
« Reply #57 on: 06 / March / 2018, 13:57:41 »
c_joerg is absolutly right, v1.5 is only available for firmware 1.01a and that isn't on my camera.
Oops, thanks for pointing that out, looks like I accidentally removed the others when I added g16. All g1x builds should be available 1.5 autobuild 5000.
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Re: rawopint.lua: Fast, accurate intervalometer with raw exposure metering
« Reply #58 on: 06 / March / 2018, 14:31:49 »
Oops, thanks for pointing that out, looks like I accidentally removed the others when I added g16. All g1x builds should be available 1.5 autobuild 5000.

Wow, that's quick! Thanks a lot. I`ll update tomorrow.
I stopped my testing some minutes ago. Seems as if the G16 had the same jumps at ISO 160 as yesterday.

Thanks again

Re: rawopint.lua: Fast, accurate intervalometer with raw exposure metering
« Reply #59 on: 21 / March / 2018, 16:16:19 »
Well, there were a lot of cloudy nights during the last time and therfore no chances to test the new versions. But now I did it and some things more.
First: the updates worked very well now on my G1X. As there is no version 1.5 available for a G16 I implemented lapsers hack and it seems to work fine, too.
Additionally I had a chance to test a EOS M3 from a friend. I tested it in combination with a Genie Mini, which is a panning device, that I own. The result is attached. There is no afterwork done so far, only rendering with virtualdub.
I would say I started wrong with a Ev shift of -1/4 and a Bv Ev shift of 25% was too much, too.
But my main problem was the outside temperature. So I stopped after one hour.

Many greetings


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