I actually don't like the facebook company... I don't use Whatsapp or Facebook nor have a private IG account but I found a cool python Instagram Private API (https://github.com/adw0rd/instagrapi) and so I started with IG.
What other platforms would you suggest?
Hmm, youtube would let people see full resolution, without the square letter box. Even 4k once you get the g1x set up. But probably not something people would regularly watch unless it was embedded somewhere else.
2x daily short videos could work well as a twitter bot, and code for those should be readily available, but the video quality is pretty bad.
Yes I will post the log.
I took a look... and found a bunch of bugs in my code

You may have noticed the log is spammed with "bv ev thresh:0" and the bv_ev_shift column is -12, even though you have bv_ev_pct 0, which should disable it. This is related to using the initial ev shift (ui_ev_shift_e=5, = -1.25 stops) being larger magnitude than the meter high threshold (ui_meter_high_thresh_e=2, = 1 stop)
I *think* the net effect in this case is the target exposure will be reduced by a further 1/8th stop, but it's been a long time since I wrote that code.
With that out of the way, a few other observations on the 2021_05_25_sunset log:
Despite that big blown-out looking area around the moon at the end, the over_weight column is all zero, so overexposure as measured by the script never got to the point where it influenced exposure. The highest over exposure was at the very end, around 0.17%. If I've done the math right that would be about ~120 pixels square, or roughly 3x the size of the moon at the reported 43.8 EFL.
If you want the moon to trigger overexposure protection, you'd need a much lower over_thresh_frac, 0.1% or lower. Beware that setting this very low can trigger oscillations and run into precision issues. And of course, if you did correctly expose the moon at night, the rest would get very dark.
If you want more of the bright area to be considered overexposed, you could increase over_margin_ev
Exposure was mostly driven by underexposure, with under_frac ranging from 8% to 40%, and under_weight never below 65. Given that the bottom ~half of your scene is going to be very dark a lot of the time, you probably want to keep the influence of underexposure fairly low. You could turn it off completely by setting under_thresh_frac to 0, or some combination of increased under_margin_ev and under_thresh_frac.
For a scene like this, it might be nice to have the meter not measure the bottom, to bias the exposure for the sky and snowy peaks, but the script currently only allows setting size, not position.
Updated notebook and htmlized output for the sunset log attached.