I think my lens error has something to do with not being able to access the firmware update. That's what I get for buying a camera for <$20 on eBay
What size is your SD card? Did you notice the part in the instructions where it tells you to start the camera by pressing the play button rather than the on/off switch? The firmware update option in the Canon menu will not be available if you do not.
The curious thing is, I still can't get firmware update to show. The card boots fine from the card, but if I switch the card to unlock and turn it on via play, nothing. I scroll all the way through and get to reset all. Nothing below it, and nothing hidden in the options above it.
The reason I was trying to use firmware update method was because I was going to set the card up to auto boot using the steps outlined in the "Prepare your SD card" wiki.
Waterwyngz: I do those exact same steps. Except firmware update never shows up.
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