The CHDK-Shell is a little bit obsolete. Newer chdk developments are not usable with the CHDK-Shell. That was a reason to create a new simple GUI for compiler tasks.
The main features are:
- Download and unpack the most recent source code revision (trunk & release)
- Path settings for GCC, Capstone, Source Code, Primary Root
- Camera selection for the compiler
- Creation of a local camera list for batch compiling
- Setting and writing based on from the recent source code
- CMD window with GCC support
- Error detection for compiler run
- Sanity checks for compiler and source code
- Insert & remove of own data in source code
- Upload CHDK files to the cameras
Download GUI Version 0.9.323 (recent Version)
Tested for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 & 10, 32 or 64 bit. Windows XP is not recommended, but works mostly. Copy the exe file in a folder of your choice. Blanks and special characters should not be used in the path (also for path settings in the GUI). The GUI uses the Windows standard zip function for unpacking the source code. This is very slow. Alternatively you can use 7zip. Copy the
7za.exe in the GUI folder.
Also the standard gcc toolchain 4.5.1 for the CHDK shell is a little bit obsolete.
The new finsig thumb2 tool works not correctly with old toolchain. (Fixed in r4539.) rudi has made a new toolchain based on gcc 4.9.3. This works properly.
Download gcc compiler Version 4.9.3
alternative compiler package with 4.5.1, 4.5.1-4.9.3, 4.9.3
alternative compiler package from Whim with gcc451_493_host481
More Toolchains from Whim =>, all shared links are broken.
gcc931 working toolchainCapstone tools =>
Description:All buttons and checkboxes have a short description as a tooltip.
Set the path for the compiler, is stored in the ini file. It is checked whether the compiler is valid.
Set the path for the Capstone tools, is stored in the ini file. It is checked whether Capstone is valid.
Set the path for an alternative dir with the firmware dumps, is stored in the ini file. It is checked whether dumps are valid.
Set the path for the CHDK source code, is stored in the ini file. It is checked whether the source code is valid.
Download the most recent source code as a zip file. You can choose trunk or release version. After download the file is unpacked in the folder 'trunk' or 'release' as a subfolder.
You can choose a zip file with the CHDK source code, e.g. from assembla, and a destination. After that the zip file will be unpacked in the destination.
Opens the CHDK source code folder in windows explorer. See also 'Source'.
Opens a new window with a list of the available cameras for the recent CHDK source code you have chosen. Make your selection of cameras. The selected cameras are saved in a local list (local_camera_list.csv). With the Button 'Compile List' you can compile all cameras from this list.
Function for uploading of the CHDK files onto the camera. At the first use the path to chdkptp must be set. If chdkptp.exe is available, you can choose a zip file. After a security question the file will be unzipped. As next starts the upload of the unzipped files to the camera.
- User Source, Insert User Source, Remove User Source.
Adds the subfolder 'user source' in the program dir. In this folder you can place additional files, e.g. Use the same folder structure as in the CHDK source code. These additional files can be inserted into the recent CHDK source code or again removed.
Set the checkboxes for your private compile options. Some checkboxes are activated only when the conditions are met. These options are checked: FI2, GEN_STUBS, GEN_SIGS, USE_GCC_EABI, CAPSTONE_TOOLS, PRIMARY_ROOT
Compiles the chosen camera/firmware depending on checkboxes 'full' and 'clean'. If errors are present, the error log can be read. Use the Botton 'Error Log'.
Compiles all cameras listed in camera_list.csv depending on checkboxes 'full' and 'clean'.
Compiles all cameras listed in local_camera_list.csv depending on checkboxes 'full' and 'clean'. See also 'Make Cam List'.
Opens a cmd window with the GCC environment in the source code path.[/list]
GUI source codeThanks:
rudi for his help. Whim for the great program CHDK Shell: reyalp for capstone tools: reyalp for the wonderful chdkptp: