Then what is the video mode that you mention and in which selection does it works?
In CHDK context, "movie mode support" means a certain set of extra features associated with video recordings.
On this camera, these features are:
- Ability to modify the video stream's bitrate. Constant and variable bitrate modes (CBR, VBR) are available, you can select one of these in "video parameters" -> "video mode". In CBR mode, "video parameters" -> "video bitrate" can be used to select the constant bitrate (it ranges from 1/4 of factory bitrate to 3x factory bitrate). In VBR modes, "video parameters" -> "video bitrate" specifies the maximum bitrate that will be used, and "vbr minimum bitrate" specifies how many percent of the maximum bitrate will be the minimum bitrate. Video bitrate will not exceed 41000 kbit/s, regardless of the selected multiplier ("video parameters" -> "video bitrate").
- Time based video restrictions are lifted. The new time limit is 3 hours for a single recording. I did not actually test this, but I believe it should work.
File size based restrictions are unchanged. If video files are limited to 4 GB (the manual says so, I think), recording will stop when that amount is reached.
It does not matter which camera mode is used when recording videos, the overrides should be effective.