eos M10 port - page 21 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

eos M10 port

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Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #200 on: 12 / May / 2018, 15:23:11 »
Then what is the video mode that you mention and in which selection does it works?
In CHDK context, "movie mode support" means a certain set of extra features associated with video recordings.
On this camera, these features are:
- Ability to modify the video stream's bitrate. Constant and variable bitrate modes (CBR, VBR) are available, you can select one of these in "video parameters" -> "video mode". In CBR mode, "video parameters" -> "video bitrate" can be used to select the constant bitrate (it ranges from 1/4 of factory bitrate to 3x factory bitrate). In VBR modes, "video parameters" -> "video bitrate" specifies the maximum bitrate that will be used, and "vbr minimum bitrate" specifies how many percent of the maximum bitrate will be the minimum bitrate. Video bitrate will not exceed 41000 kbit/s, regardless of the selected multiplier ("video parameters" -> "video bitrate").
- Time based video restrictions are lifted. The new time limit is 3 hours for a single recording. I did not actually test this, but I believe it should work.
File size based restrictions are unchanged. If video files are limited to 4 GB (the manual says so, I think), recording will stop when that amount is reached.

It does not matter which camera mode is used when recording videos, the overrides should be effective.

Ok, thank you, this is clear now. I can confirm that I can setup these things with 110f. I am not sure about the 3 hours video (I haven't tried such long time) but the other settings are working.


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #201 on: 13 / May / 2018, 11:34:24 »
I can confirm that I can setup these things with 110f. I am not sure about the 3 hours video (I haven't tried such long time) but the other settings are working.

It's possible to make the camera switch on by itself using a firmware function (discovered by Ant). A Lua function enabling the use of this feature is posted here. It can be added to time lapse scripts to conserve power when the camera is not shooting for a longer period. It can, in some cases, make an external control device (microcontroller, computer) unnecessary.

Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #202 on: 15 / May / 2018, 07:36:15 »
To shoot long time exposure I am using something like (from Python):
Code: [Select]
camera.lua_execute('set_tv96_direct(usec_to_tv96('+shutter_time+'))\n' \
                                      'press("shoot_half")\n' \
                                      'repeat\n' \
                                      '   sleep(10)\n' \
                                      'until get_shooting()\n' \
                                      'press("shoot_full")\n' \

This works perfectly and it captures a picture with the shutter_time exposure. Now the question: if I set a long shutter_time (like 300 seconds) and I decide to stop the acquisition in the middle, is there a lua function that I can invoke to abort the current shooting?
« Last Edit: 15 / May / 2018, 08:05:15 by burglar »


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #203 on: 15 / May / 2018, 12:31:12 »
if I set a long shutter_time (like 300 seconds) and I decide to stop the acquisition in the middle, is there a lua function that I can invoke to abort the current shooting?
There is no such function. We don't know any working method that could be used to interrupt an ongoing exposure.
Bulb exposure seems to be the closest to what you want, but unfortunately, the M10 does not support that (firmware limitation). The EOS M3 does.


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Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #204 on: 02 / June / 2018, 16:24:27 »
I have enabled the "firmware update" boot method in changeset 5021. Should work on all ports, but I can only test it on my 110d camera.

To make this work, I had to hunt down the small change in Canon's fw update related routine, and then find how to keep the camera from shutting down after fi2 boot. The workaround related to the audio/video compressor core is the same I used in the sx280 port. Video recording and playback remains functional after booting with the .fi2 file.

Unlike on regular PowerShots, the firmware update menu remains accessible indefinitely during a session. Regardless, I recommend executing "fw update" right after switching on the camera.

Please report any abnormal behaviour here.
« Last Edit: 02 / June / 2018, 16:28:11 by srsa_4c »


Offline reyalp

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Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #205 on: 05 / July / 2018, 19:52:35 »
@srsa_4c In r5063, I changed propset 10 MIN_AV to use 28 instead of 27. The comments suggested all values from 24-28 looked like MIN_AV on M10, but only 27 appears correct on elph180.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #206 on: 06 / July / 2018, 15:41:38 »
In r5063, I changed propset 10 MIN_AV to use 28 instead of 27. The comments suggested all values from 24-28 looked like MIN_AV on M10, but only 27 appears correct on elph180.
That's okay for me. There are also several guessed (and several untested) entries in that file, you may find some of those need corrections.

Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #207 on: 03 / August / 2018, 17:35:46 »
If I do a set_iso I am able to set the ISO parameter to take a photo. But if instead of taking a photo I do a press("video") to record a video with that ISO, the parameter is ignored and the ISO of the video mode is used.
Is there a mode to setup the desired ISO from the lua interface for videos?

Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #208 on: 04 / August / 2018, 08:28:22 »
nevermind, with the latest chdk it works perfectly as expected. Thanks as usual!


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Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #209 on: 03 / January / 2019, 12:58:12 »
fantastic that you have created a port for the M10
so to help out I just added an M10 (110F) to my collection and was wondering if I can help testing some things.
i have firmware and automatic update functioning.

i noticed that at the firmware option my firmware is 1.1.0 for the camera (and also chdk update is 1.1.0) and i have an extra firmware 2.0.0 for the lens. (15-45mm)
so i tested that first by using a script that support zoom and that froze the camera.

frustration is a key ingredient in progress


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