eos M10 port - page 7 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

eos M10 port

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Offline Ant

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Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #60 on: 19 / February / 2017, 08:11:45 »
I suppose the original M does not do this.
Because EOS M and EOS M2 firmwares are based on DSLR.

IMHO IS should be active only when shutter button is half pressed and a few seconds after(excepting touch shutter and movie rec modes).

On some lenses there is a noise when lens is powered(connected) but IS is not active(not reacting on camera movement).
But I am not sure there is a big difference in power consumption between this two modes.

It would be good if camera could  measure the consumed current.
« Last Edit: 19 / February / 2017, 08:20:01 by Ant »


Offline Ant

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Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #61 on: 19 / February / 2017, 14:50:01 »
I was trying to switch IS by Posting Logical Event To UI  0x0000302D/0x0000302C.
But it doesn't work.
At the same time Posting Logical Event 0x0000302A/0x0000302B allows to sucsessfully switch on/off autofocus.
Any idea why?


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #62 on: 20 / February / 2017, 13:01:18 »
I was trying to switch IS by Posting Logical Event To UI  0x0000302D/0x0000302C.
But it doesn't work.
At the same time Posting Logical Event 0x0000302A/0x0000302B allows to sucsessfully switch on/off autofocus.
Any idea why?
Nope. This part of the firmware is not well understood. You could also try post_levent_for_npt, but that not necessary will make a difference. Or, try finding out how they are used in the firmware.
BTW, how did you find those event IDs?

There's another method that might work better: UI properties.


Offline Ant

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Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #63 on: 21 / February / 2017, 01:32:43 »
BTW, how did you find those event IDs?
From camera log. There is an EVP which prints camera log to terminal which is already redirected to file.
But I don't know how to find the source of events.

Another  question:
Do you know how to apply changes in GPIO inversion to simulate GPIOs?
Code: [Select]
NotifyMask   95-64 |0x9f6b0060|  63-32 |0x30043ff9|  31-0 |0x0107cf13|
SwitchMask   95-64 |0xdf6b0070|  63-32 |0x30043ff9|  31-0 |0x0107cf13|
InvertData   95-64 |0x00020010|  63-32 |0x10043ff9|  31-0 |0x00000000|
ChataNone    95-64 |0x8f600000|  63-32 |0x00000000|  31-0 |0x0107cf13|
ChataDefault 95-64 |0x100b0020|  63-32 |0x30003ff8|  31-0 |0x00000000|
GpioStatus   95-64 |0x10220050|  63-32 |0x00043ff9|  31-0 |0x01024210|
SwitchStatus 95-64 |0x10200040|  63-32 |0x10000000|  31-0 |0x01024210|


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #64 on: 21 / February / 2017, 12:05:33 »
Do you know how to apply changes in GPIO inversion to simulate GPIOs?
I'm afraid I don't understand. Can you rephrase the question or explain your goal?


Offline Ant

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Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #65 on: 21 / February / 2017, 12:16:10 »
I am trying to simulate physical switch #0x04 (lens connect detection) by modifying SwitchMask variable. But it has no effect. Maybe you know why?
« Last Edit: 21 / February / 2017, 12:18:18 by Ant »


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #66 on: 21 / February / 2017, 12:24:19 »
I am trying to simulate physical switch #0x04 (lens connect detection) by modifying SwitchMask variable. But it has no effect. Maybe you know why?
I don't know how exactly the physw fw code is working. Wouldn't it be possible to use an override like we use for USB state or SD read only switch?


Offline Ant

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Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #67 on: 21 / February / 2017, 12:34:01 »
I found that SwitchStatus is changed after modifying InvertData but camera does not detect lens disconnetion.

Wouldn't it be possible to use an override like we use for USB state or SD read only switch?
I want to use another way without modifying CHDK core.


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #68 on: 21 / February / 2017, 12:53:16 »
I want to use another way without modifying CHDK core.
You can copy more code from core/kbd_common.c to the port-specific kbd.c. I had to do that to support the m10 buttons.
Can't help with other parts of the firmware physw task - I don't understand how they work, despite the descriptive variable names.

Re: eos M10 port
« Reply #69 on: 27 / February / 2017, 09:34:12 »
I am completely new with CHDK but successfully installed the pre-alpha M10 version, the CHDK logo lights up but i can't access the Menu or the <alt> mode by pressing the Playback-Button...does anybody have an idea what is wrong? :/


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