I wanted to share my recent successes with the Powershot N. My goal was to setup the N to be as UAV friendly as possible both in functionality and weight.
I removed the flip up touchscreen on the powershot N, significantly reducing the weight. 110g per my scale. a reduction of 66g (86g if you include the battery) This is significant compared to other digic 5 cameras like the sx260 which weight in at 226g (w/ external power mod)
I implemented an external battery modification I have used on other cameras to increase the number of shots I can during a flight. It is a modified DC coupler and a variable voltage step down converter that supplies the same voltage as the stock battery from any 3s lipo. This really simplifies things for me and works very well. [/font]
I also removed the tab on the sd card hatch that tells the camera the hatch is shut so CHDK boots automatically.
I tested the modified N with CHDKPTP CLI running on a raspi, this worked perfectly as did a usb trigger / Ardupilot w/ KAP/UAV script.
I have two sd cards setup one optimized for KAP/UAV and the other for CHDKPTP.
Here's a link to some photos of the setup if anyone cares to take a look:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7HD5XkwsmeJdzJjYS1tNnFKYVEThank you to
@waterwingz, and
@reyalp for there guidance and assistance