Is there any part of the Canon low level hardware interface that allows for pixel binning to to increase dynamic range?
dcraw64 -D -T -t 0 -j -g 1 1 canon_powershot_sx50_hs_08.cr2
magick canon_powershot_sx50_hs_08.tiff ^( -clone 0 -define sample:offset=25,75 -sample 50%x50% ) ^( -clone 0 -define sample:offset=25,25 -sample 50%x50% ) ^( -clone 0 -define sample:offset=75,75 -sample 50%x50% ) ^( -clone 2-3 -evaluate-sequence mean ) ^-delete 2-3 ^( -clone 0 -define sample:offset=75,25 -sample 50%x50% ) ^-delete 0 ^-channel RGB -combine ^-color-matrix "1.233998 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3.209864" ^-gamma 1.5 ^binned.jpg
dcraw64 -w -T canon_powershot_sx50_hs_08.cr2
dcraw64.exe -d -w -T canon_powershot_sx50_hs_08.cr2
dcraw64.exe -6 -d -w -T canon_powershot_sx50_hs_08.cr2
magick canon_powershot_sx50_hs_08.tiff ^( -clone 0 -define sample:offset=25,75 -sample 50%x50% ) ^( -clone 0 -define sample:offset=25,25 -sample 50%x50% ) ^( -clone 0 -define sample:offset=75,75 -sample 50%x50% ) ^( -clone 2-3 -evaluate-sequence mean ) ^-delete 2-3 ^( -clone 0 -define sample:offset=75,25 -sample 50%x50% ) ^-delete 0 ^-combine ^-modulate 100,180,100 ^binned.jpg
dcraw64.exe -d -w -T canon_powershot_sx50_hs_08.cr2magick canon_powershot_sx50_hs_08.tiff -scale 50%x50% grey2.jpgmagick canon_powershot_sx50_hs_08.tiff -scale 25%x25% -resize 200%x200% grey4.jpg
If when shrinking (minifying) images the original image is some integer multiple of the new image size, the number of pixels averaged together to produce the new pixel color is the same across the whole image. This is a special case known as 'binning' and is often used as a method of reducing noise in image such as those generated by digital cameras, especially in low light conditions.
sqr(8) = 2.8x
magick canon_powershot_sx50_hs_08.tiff -set option:dim "%wx%h" ^( -size 2x2 xc:black -fill white -draw "point 0,0 point 1,1" -write mpr:g +delete ) ^( -size 2x2 xc:black -fill white -draw "point 1,0" -write mpr:b +delete ) ^( -size 2x2 xc:black -fill white -draw "point 0,1" -write mpr:r +delete ) ^( -clone 0 -size "%[dim]" ( tile:mpr:r -transparent White ) -composite ) ^( -clone 0 -size "%[dim]" ( tile:mpr:g -transparent White ) -composite ) ^( -clone 0 -size "%[dim]" ( tile:mpr:b -transparent White ) -composite ) ^-delete 0 ^-scale 25%x25% ^-combine -color-matrix "4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4" ^binned4.jpg
-scale 25%x25%
-scale 50%x50%
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