Most recently sx530h but reported on other cameras too.
Maybe if we collect enough data a pattern will emerge.
Affected cameras / cards (mostly via
sx530Failed cards:
Transcend 2GB Class 4
Platinet 8GB HC Class 10
Hama 8GB HC Class4
Transcend 8GB HC Class4
Toshiba C08G,
old SD cards supplied with the cameras and branded as Canon (32MB and 128MB)
sx130Failed card: 16gb SDHC samsung class 10 (1U I)
(I'm not convinced this one is related)
sx160Failed card:
16 GB, SD HC, Class 10, Verbatim Premium and 2GB Kingston SD/2GB
Kingston's 8GB Class 4 MicroSD
Working card:
16 GB Kingston card (SD10W/16GB)
32 and 64GB Strontium micro SD, in same adapter as failed kingston above
I found a workaround to the problem. Just turn on the camera pressing more than one second the ON/OFF button.
I have not seen this error on my sx160, using: 32 GB Wintec filemate professional plus U1 (I've probably used others too, but I don't remember which ones)
Tested following on sx160 with no errors
Kingston 1GB no speed class
Wintec filemate professional plus 32 GB UHS1 (2 different cards)
Patriot micro SDHC 32 GB UHS1
SandDisk micro SDHC 16 GB UHS1
sx150No card specified, not convinced it's related.
A480Failed card: 16 GB Kingston
Working cards: Also 16 GB Kingston, 2 x Micro SD Samsung / SanDisk 32 GB Class 1, 3 x older SD 256 MB ... 4 GB
IXUS145 and SX520Only on AC adapter, may be a different issue.
Failed cards: Transcend and Kingston
Working: Sandisk
g7xI have seen something that may be similar, but only rarely. Camera boots, CHDK loads, then card locked, memory card error, CHDK shows missing modules.
Failed card (sometimes): Patriot 32 GB UHS1 micro SD