SX720 Porting thread - page 15 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

SX720 Porting thread

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Offline asm1989

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Re: SX720 Porting thread
« Reply #140 on: 24 / April / 2016, 02:40:39 »
Thanks srsa_4c

capt_seq.c is based on current reyalp g7x sources yes,  how do I access the Syslog?

Other sripts hang the cam too for example the filetest, or drawtest


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Re: SX720 Porting thread
« Reply #141 on: 24 / April / 2016, 11:35:08 »
how do I access the Syslog?
Should have said camera log. For an example (using chdkptp) see this (first and last 'code' section in post). Obviously, the cam needs to be able to survive until you have the chance executing the ShowCameraLog eventproc.
Other sripts hang the cam too for example the filetest, or drawtest
Yeah, that's something I suspected. I'd suggest you to continue testing in playback mode until this issue is resolved. If a particular script is causing a crash, you'll need to find the offending script command (unless you get a romlog that's more helpful).

Have you tried using chdkptp with this cam?


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Re: SX720 Porting thread
« Reply #142 on: 24 / April / 2016, 15:31:37 »
Obviously, the cam needs to be able to survive until you have the chance executing the ShowCameraLog eventproc.
You should also get the recent messages if it crashes with a romlog. My current "big camera log" command is
Code: [Select]
=call_event_proc('StopCameraLog') sleep(200) call_event_proc('StartCameraLog',0x20,0x6000) sleep(100) require'uartr'.start('A/test.log',true,0x8000)
(difference from one you linked is that it enlarges the uart log buffer as well as the camera log, which avoids losing data in some cases)

In general, for this kind of situation I would try to get capt_seq running without any of the hooks enabled first. Scripted shoot() will not work correctly if the raw hook isn't present, but you should be able to shoot with scripted or physical button presses.

You do need to watch to make sure the debugging code itself isn't clobbering anything. I think my code is OK, but differences in your firmware could make it unsafe. You can comment out the debug logs in areas that you aren't working on too.

Code: [Select]
"    bl      sub_fc0b3d4a\n"
"    b       loc_fc0b27f0\n"
"    beq     loc_fc0b2740\n"
"    movs    r3, r0\n"    // this was no it g7x mabe like removed literal at fc1502ba in gx7 needs check
"    ldm     r6!, {r3}\n"
"    movs    r3, r0\n"
"    pop     {r6}\n"
"    movs    r0, r0\n"

I would say the canon literal pool started at the beq ... because there is no way it could be reached, and the following instructions make little sense. I don't think this is the cause of your crash, but this kind of thing could cause the immediately following disassembly to be incorrect so it's better to be sure.

Looking at the raw values, the beq through movs r0,r0 are
Code: [Select]
which are all constants that appear in ldr instructions (3d018 not in that function, but nearby), so it does look like those 6 are a literal pool. Since the following is jumptable target, it must be actual code.

Code: [Select]
"    bne     loc_fc0f24f8_new\n" /// added _new to build
I'm not clear what this is about, you shouldn't need to add _new? If using just "loc_fc0f24f8" caused some problem, there is something wrong which needs to be investigated.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline asm1989

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Re: SX720 Porting thread
« Reply #143 on: 26 / April / 2016, 12:53:28 »
Thanks reyalp & srsa_4c will try to test it asap!


Offline RaduP

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Re: SX720 Porting thread
« Reply #144 on: 29 / May / 2017, 14:30:24 »
Any news about this port? I am considering getting a 720SX soon.

Re: SX720 Porting thread
« Reply #145 on: 04 / September / 2017, 15:40:55 »
I note a lack of progress for over a year, but nonetheless I thought I'd upload a dump of the 1.01a firmware.


(I was considering trying to port it myself, but right now browsing through this thread I can see I'm some way off being even ready to attempt that)

Re: SX720 Porting thread
« Reply #146 on: 04 / September / 2017, 17:25:11 »
I was considering trying to port it myself, but right now browsing through this thread I can see I'm some way off being even ready to attempt that.
Very nice looking camera!  But it's a digic6 - hardly a good choice for a first port by someone faint of heart.

However, tell us more about your software development knowledge?  It would be  a ton of work to coach someone with no previous experience but if you've done some C and assembler work, and are patient, it's possible.

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Re: SX720 Porting thread
« Reply #147 on: 05 / September / 2017, 08:51:39 »
Only passing knowledge of both, at best. Programming in general I've been doing since childhood, so I know there's no reason I couldn't learn…

Beyond my skills at procrastination that is.

I think if I could follow this thread to the point of getting a boot logo displayed (i.e. about as far as progress on 1.00) from the information provided then it might be worth someone's time to help me complete the work. Otherwise right now there are far more productive ways to spend the time/energy than on me.


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Re: SX720 Porting thread
« Reply #148 on: 08 / September / 2017, 11:36:21 »
Added the
  • SX720 1.01A
full 32MB dump by BtEtta from this forum post to the CHDK P&S FW dumps repository.

Re: SX720 Porting thread
« Reply #149 on: 06 / August / 2019, 21:18:48 »
I am interested in using CHDK on my SX720. I have lots of experience with C and programming the ARM cortex series of microcontrollers and a little experience with assembly so I might be able to do this.

My first goal is to collect all existing work done to get CHDK working on the SX720. I see asm1989's post where he posted the latest source code but the link no longer works. Does anyone have a backup or has this been committed to the SVN repository? The only commit I see relating to the SX720 is r4572 which improves the signature finder so I am thinking that existing progress has not been committed to the repository.


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