So I'm wondering, if this is a Badpixel.bin/.txt problem or a high 800 ISO of my camera(Canon SX230)?I was desperately trying to understand the usage of Badpixel.bin/.txt, but it is unclear how Photoshop(Camera Raw 7.0) should interact with Badpixel.bin: should I put it somewhere in the Ps folder?..
I set 'processing profiles' as Neutral and the image is much lighter than Camera Raw Defaults, here's the comparison(all dark-framed):...I would like to know how to set RawTherapee so my image would be as neutral as it was shot, because if you zoom it up to 100% you will see a lot of noise, apparently not bad pixel noise, but an ISO noise:
There is also some kind of a border on all sides of the image, what could it be?
Extraordinary post, I definitely owe you a beer: you come to Moscow - you will have it all, my friend:)
I also like that picture of Polaris you took, aren't you supposed to be at the North Pole for this to happen and were you? o.O
Because, you didn't say, but as I understand you RawTherapee is working perfectly with DNG 1.3(with bulit-in badpixel.bin), no pitfalls.
dngbatch some/directory {mod -patch; save -over -keepmtime}
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Started by Gripitoy RAW Shooting and Processing
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Started by Candex RAW Shooting and Processing
Started by thinhpham RAW Shooting and Processing