Long ago ... I wrote a uBasic script to do custom focus bracketing on an A630 with a reversed macro lens.
I have been running CHDK 0.9.4 "for ever".
Recently, I was looking to write a new script that did combined focus AND exposure stacking, and found a web page saying this was a standard part of "new" CHDK.
Sounded good, so I downloaded and installed 1.4.1.
First thing to do - make sure it loads OK. No problem.
Second thing to do - test run the provided shoot.bas. No problem.
Regression test my old focus script. Ah. I can edit the parameters, but I get an instant Parse Error when I hit the shutter.
Is there a "master list" of changes I can check against to debug this?
(or is there a nice way to debug, these days?)
rem BugBear
@title Focus
@param a Number of ±steps
@default a 2
@param b delta [tenths of mm]
@default b 20
if a<1 then let a=2
if b<1 then let b=1
print_screen 0
print_screen 1
get_prop 12 t
if t = 1 then goto "manual"
print "focus not set to manual"
goto "endprog"
sleep 500
get_focus g
e=13520 - ((2520 * 10000)/f)
print "init e, g", e, g
rem calculate step size in mm/1000
b = b * 100
b = b / a
for s=-a to a
d=e+(s * b)
f=(2520 * 10000)/(13520 - d)
print "try d f", d, f
if f < 65535 then goto "fsane"
print "gross f, skip"
goto "loop"
if f > 0 then goto "fplus"
print "negative f, skip"
goto "loop"
if f > 31 then goto "fpossible"
print "tiny f, skip"
goto "loop"
set_focus f
print "shoot d f", d, f
next s
set_focus g