Hey there
Please apologise my english, it is not my mother language.
I will use the UI skript for a long term (10 days) timelaps.
The camera (an old Powershot G7) will not be touchable in this time.
So everything hast to work, if the power is switcht on :-)
On the cam, i mounted (DIY) a 0.4 wide-angle converter.
The only way to get a focused image is to use the macro mode.
But how can i do this automatically?
Things i tried, but dont work:
Use the C1 (custom mode on the wheel) whre i saved the macromode.
But when the skript starts, th ecam return into the P-mode.
I "hacked" the UI-skript by changing the INFINITY value to 100 (must be 10cm?)
But the cam still dont give me an sharp picture.
What else can i try?