wow - thanks to all for this great discussion - seems not to be very easy to get what I want ;-).
What I can get out of this is:
1. For reasonably good synchronisation (for good quality stereo stills) we need external sync signal from the USB port by either a timer or a microcontroller.
2. Not only the 1st shot needs to get synchronized by the USB port but also the subsequent ones
With 'continouus mode' you mean the mode of Canon camera itself?
So if I press the shutter button the cam takes photos as long as I hold the button pressed - right?
Do you think both cams keep in sync for the subsequent shots? If we only trigger the first shot the subsequent shots are timed by each single cam on its own - so the question is if the timers of both cams which drive the subsequent shots run synchronously enough for the subsequent shots.
I would prefer a 'stereo continouus mode' where all shots are synced by the external USB signal.
What about following idea:
Under 'Remote parameters' of CHDK there are 'Control modes' like 'none', 'normal', 'quick', etc.
What about the idea of an additional mode lets call it 'stereo_continouus' which is a mixture of 'normal' and 'quick'.
For the first shot the cam is in 'normal' mode to wait for focus, exposure, etc. and wait until the USB goes down to 0V again to get the first shot. Then the camera should switch to 'quick' mode which just waits for the 5V signal and immediately takes the 2nd shot and with the next pulse the 3rd shot and so on.
The subsequent shots should keep focus and exposure settings from first shot.
May it can be done this way?