news from FINGALO
"Some testing with remote signaling to see if it is possible to make a multibutton control.
I found that the USB signal need to be at minimum 50-60ms in length in order to be detected at all.
Under this length I could not detect any signals.
Also the length varies a lot, when setting a signal 0.2sec long it will be detected between .19 to .23s.
Function get_usb_power will now give how long the USB signal is active. I leave this decoding to the script as I suspect different cameras can give different timing.
This way you can design your own method for timing, even manual 'keying' is possible, a long or short press on the button.
Note: the 'old' is_key "remote" signal still works the same as before.
Difference between get_sub_power and is_key "remote" is that is_key "remote" is activated as soon as USB power is detected but get_usb_power is set when USB power
go low (giving the lengt of the signal).
I used 5 different signal with following timing (seconds).
0.085, 0.21, 0.33, 0.44, 0.60
This way I just get a value (in 10ms counts) for USB signal. It is decoded with the following script:
@title Multi remote
a = get_usb_power
until a>0
rem remote button 1
if a>0 and a<15 then
release "zoom_in"
release "zoom_out"
rem remote button 2
if a>15 and a<25 then
press "zoom_in"
rem remote button 3
if a>25 and a<38 then
press "zoom_out"
rem remote button 4
if a>38 and a<47 then
rem remote button 5
if a>50 then exit_alt
rem show button timecount (used for calibrating the script)
if a>0 then print a
until is_key "set"
To calibrate your own timing just use this part of the script to begin with
a = get_usb_power
until a>0
if a>0 then print a
until is_key "set"
This works stable, but the timing is really not what I expected, I thought it should be a 10ms resolution for the USB signal.
I tested by a 5 V signal from the PC's printer port and a program to time the signal to the camera.
- multi remote on s2is, s3is, a610, a620, a630, a640, a710
(I only publish remote supported cams in this release as it is not useful for the other cams.)"
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