dear chdk members
I am slowly learning how to use the kit to control the camera
i am trying to understand how to use manual focus.
It looked as if manual focus can only work in a non-auto mode.
I have switched the camera to pmode
luar set_capture_mode(2)
however, after this
luar press("shoot_full")
produces a beep but does not capture an image.
in capture mode(1) which is auto, this does produce a capture.
I also ran the mftest.lua script and it reports that manual focus should be available, but
I do not seem to be able to confirm this.
in auto mode the camera seems to be auto focusing constantly but in p
-mode this does not happen. set_focus() reports success but I do not see any change in the image on the lcd display and the capture does not work.
could someone advice what Iam doing wrong?
I am trying to get to a situation when I am able to use auto focus to focus the camera and then "freeze" the focus and capture images.
Thank you very much for your help