The issue I'm stuck with at the moment is with the LED-phototransistor implementation:- when operated in ambient light, and obscuring it with the fingers , the phototransitor correctly changes state;- when the phototransistor is placed on the camera AF LED it fails to detect the pulse most of the time (the phototransistor is masked with black tape);
- AF LED: in KAP_UAV script the camera activates the LED choosing option # 1, 3, 5 (actually all the odd numbers up to 15 seem to work but with different behaviors);
tested the LED either in burst mode or with 2 s intervalometer, and noticed that the LED pulse durations change.
Is there a way to figure out the meaning of the different option numbers associated with the AF LED setting in KAP_UAV script?
Based on the preceding, what's the best option to use to get the most precise shutter pulse?
Can the AF LED pulse duration be configured to be constant at each shutter event (say 300-500 ms)?
The phototransistor circuit is the simplest (maybe too simplistic?) implementation possible: attached an ugly hand-drawn sketch.
How hard would it be to implement LED constant and consistent pulse durations (say 300-500 ms)?
but I'm seeing a strange phenomenon: the voltage signal (measured with a gross voltmeter) has a 'periodic swing' - for 5 pulses it stays consistently at 3.2 V, then during the next 5 pulses decreases down to zero, where it stays for another 5 pulses, then it increases back to 3.2 V over 5 pulses, and it stays at 3.2 V for 5 pulses, then all over again...would this depend on the transistor saturation...?
It appears to always some sort of weird response: with a pulse width of 300 ms and a repeat rate of 7 s, the voltage is 3.2 V for the first two pulses, the it drops down to 0.5 V for the third pulse, and then again two pulses at 3.2 V, etc.
I'm not sure what LED the camera is using: I always see the same green light, and intensity does not seem to change.
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