You've already got the answer.
Are there any plans to port any of the above five cameras soon? If yes, do you have any idea when it will be ready?
You might consider one of the existing ports, such as the SX60 or EOS M3
Are you saying that if I were to use the CHDK port for the SX60 in, for example, a SX620 camera, it may actually work even though it is for a different camera?
Quote from: tim dif on 08 / February / 2017, 17:16:16Are you saying that if I were to use the CHDK port for the SX60 in, for example, a SX620 camera, it may actually work even though it is for a different camera?I'll answer that. There is no chance the port for one camera will work on a different model. Reyalp is suggesting that you use a different camera model already supported by CHDK.
Unfortunately, the cameras I listed in my original post are the only ones which satisfy the first five criteria I mentioned.
I suggest to force new users to read the FAQ before they can post.
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