G16 Porting Thread - Test Versions Available - page 13 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

G16 Porting Thread - Test Versions Available

  • 229 Replies
Re: G16 Porting Thread - Test Versions Available
« Reply #120 on: 20 / December / 2017, 15:36:38 »
I believe you need to run STICK with administrator privileges ? 
One of the batch files it ships with does that for you - STICKX.CMD

Thats it. After some tries, It works.


Thank you

Re: G16 Porting Thread - Test Versions Available
« Reply #121 on: 20 / December / 2017, 15:55:00 »
Thank you
You can really thank me by doing some testing and reporting back here.  If things work, we will release your firmware version for general distribution via the autobuild.   Here's a short list of things to try for a new firmware version of an existing port :
  • Confirm that you can take a DNG image and display it correctly on your PC
  • Confirm that the exposure overrides in the "Enhanced Photo Operation" menu actually change the exposure
  • Test the USB remote capability by plugging a cable between your PC and the camera to simulate a remote switch
  • Confirm that edge overlay, Histogram, and Zebra modes display correctly.

It's not exactly an exhausting list but it's a good start.

If you have time, working through as much of this list as possible and reporting results here would be very helpful too :  CHDK Wiki : Testing

Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: G16 Porting Thread - Test Versions Available
« Reply #122 on: 22 / December / 2017, 08:19:32 »
Confirm that you can take a DNG image and display it correctly on your PC

DNG can be displayed by Photoshop and Lightroom. Every single DNG file has same file size - 18.841KB

Confirm that the exposure overrides in the "Enhanced Photo Operation" menu actually change the exposure

When half pressed it shows changed shutter speed value but for a second, while still half pressed values return to normal and picture is normal too. Only one succeded to have overriden values.

Test the USB remote capability by plugging a cable between your PC and the camera to simulate a remote switch

I did and I could explore SD card over USB. Than cable was unpluged while camera on, screen was white and since than camera does not connect anymore to PC even with SD card unlocked. Remote switch works. (cable in- half press, cable out - takes a photo)

Confirm that edge overlay, Histogram, and Zebra modes display correctly.

- Histogram works fine

- Zebra once worked and after moving camera to another scene, previous zebra still stayed on
   the screen and new one painted over previous and screen became more and more red.
   But generaly does not appear.

- Edge overlay not sure or I can not see it. Pictures looks same with or without.

When in menu exploring or playing games all loooks fine. When in shot mode, screen can start blinking until next restart and could start blink again itself. But havent figured out a pattern that triggers it. Possible when pressing Shutter button and could be when scripts are activated most cases but not always.

Re: G16 Porting Thread - Test Versions Available
« Reply #123 on: 22 / December / 2017, 10:29:26 »
Confirm that the exposure overrides in the "Enhanced Photo Operation" menu actually change the exposure
When half pressed it shows changed shutter speed value but for a second, while still half pressed values return to normal and picture is normal too. Only one succeded to have overriden values.
If you set the exposure overrides to something like 1/2 second, f2.8, iso1000 and actually take a photo in normal day lighting is the resulting image very overexposed (regardless of what the image EXIF information reports)?

Test the USB remote capability by plugging a cable between your PC and the camera to simulate a remote switch
I did and I could explore SD card over USB. Than cable was unpluged while camera on, screen was white and since than camera does not connect anymore to PC even with SD card unlocked. Remote switch works. (cable in- half press, cable out - takes a photo)
That's not quite what I wanted to know.  If you look at the this wiki page : USB Remote you will see what I'm interested in.  You can make a "fake" remote switch by just plugging a USB cable into your PC or a wall charger.

Confirm that edge overlay, Histogram, and Zebra modes display correctly.
- Zebra once worked and after moving camera to another scene, previous zebra still stayed on the screen and new one painted over previous and screen became more and more red.   But generaly does not appear.
Did the zebra image (outline) appear to accurately align with the image on the display?  i.e.  does it draw on top of the over exposed areas?

When in menu exploring or playing games all loooks fine. When in shot mode, screen can start blinking until next restart and could start blink again itself. But havent figured out a pattern that triggers it. Possible when pressing Shutter button and could be when scripts are activated most cases but not always.
Did you remember to disable the edge overlay & zebra options?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: G16 Porting Thread - Test Versions Available
« Reply #124 on: 29 / December / 2017, 14:25:26 »
You can try set_capture_mode_canon()
On g7x and sx710 I think 33297 is related to face ID registration, which probably doesn't make sense in the modemap.
I tried using set_capture_mode_canon() in a script (attached) to test the four remaining mystery modes.  All four basically left the camera in an unstable state (i.e. eventual crashes) although prior to the crash the LCD icons seemed to indicated a mode corresponding to masking the upper two bits off from the mystery modes. 

I'm done with playing any further finding shooting modes.

The UI overlay should be stale more with one than the other in PTP live view, I guess. If you can't tell the difference, it probably doesn't matter much.
You could maybe figure out which one changes first.
I have two G16's (long story) so did a side-by-side comparison using PTP live view.  Could not see a difference in response.  So I wrote a little code to insert in main.c to sample the two values and figure out which one changed first.  It appears that the value I found looking at other ports always changes before the one found by the current sigfinder.

Code inserted into the usual place in main.c :
Code: [Select]
        i = 0;
        abb1 = (int *) 0x0000c980 ;   // sig finder value
        abb2 = (int *) 0x0000c97c ;   // wwingz guess based on other ports
        abb_current  = ((*abb2)<<1) + *abb1;
        if (abb_current != abb_old )
            switch ( abb_old )
                case 0 :
                    if ( abb_current == 1 ) abb1count++ ;
                    if ( abb_current == 2 ) abb2count++ ;
                    break ;
                case 1 :
                    break ;
                case 2 :
                    break ;
                case 3 :
                    if ( abb_current == 1 ) abb2count++ ;
                    if ( abb_current == 2 ) abb1count++ ;
                    break ;
                default :
                    abberror++ ;
                    break ;
            abb_old = abb_current ;
        sprintf(osd_buf, "%X=%d %X=%d   %d %d   %d %d   %d", abb1, *abb1, abb2, *abb2, abb_current, abb_old, abb1count, abb2count, abberror );
        draw_txt_string(1, i++, osd_buf, user_color(conf.osd_color));
« Last Edit: 29 / December / 2017, 16:03:25 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: G16 Porting Thread - Test Versions Available
« Reply #125 on: 11 / January / 2018, 10:29:05 »
Thank you
You can really thank me by doing some testing and reporting back here.  If things work, we will release your firmware version for general distribution via the autobuild.   Here's a short list of things to try for a new firmware version of an existing port :
  • Confirm that you can take a DNG image and display it correctly on your PC
  • Confirm that the exposure overrides in the "Enhanced Photo Operation" menu actually change the exposure
  • Test the USB remote capability by plugging a cable between your PC and the camera to simulate a remote switch
  • Confirm that edge overlay, Histogram, and Zebra modes display correctly.
It's not exactly an exhausting list but it's a good start.

If you have time, working through as much of this list as possible and reporting results here would be very helpful too :  CHDK Wiki : Testing

1) Confirm that you can take a DNG image and display it correctly on your PC
2) Confirm that the exposure overrides in the "Enhanced Photo Operation" menu actually change the exposure
3) Test the USB remote capability by plugging a cable between your PC and the camera to simulate a remote switch
4) Confirm that edge overlay, Histogram, and Zebra modes display correctly.

Hi Waterwingz

I want to report my tests on my G16 with firmware 1.00h

A) ==== First, I'm very happy to be abble to take pictures remotely from a remote control to trigger the G16.
The signal chain is:
Remote Control Tranceiver (Graupner MX16) -->
Receiver (Graupner GR16) -->
Flight Controller (APM2.5 (ArduPilot)) -->
Miniature Remote Control for cameras (VP-Systems CAMremote-2 PRO) -->
G16 with following CHDK settings
CHDK Settings->Remote parameters set
Enable remote: On
Switch Type: None
Control mode: None
With a lua script I control zoom and trigger

One small difference to my G15 with the same setup and same script
is that if the USB connection is in before the camera is powered on
it stalls with the sentence "Daten werden verarbeitet", just like
it is displayed when changing from capture to preview mode.
When powering on and then plugging in the USB, everything is fine.

B) ==== Results of tests in the present thread
1) Confirm that you can take a DNG image and display it correctly on your PC
Indeed the DNG are created, all 19.292.256 Byte in size, file number is incremented properly in the JPG and DNG
They are well displayed in FastStone Image Viewer

2) Confirm that the exposure overrides in the "Enhanced Photo Operation" menu actually change the exposure
ISO Override to 400    --> JPG has 400
AV  Override to 15.15  --> Picture very dark

3) Test the USB remote capability by plugging a cable between your PC and the camera to simulate a remote switch
Enable remote: On
Switch Type: One push
Control mode: Normal
Change to shoot mode
Mode P
USB Cable connected to PC, USB connected to G16, disconnected --> picture taken.

4) Confirm that edge overlay, Histogram, and Zebra modes display correctly.
Shoot button half pressed --> red lines on high contrast changes appear
Shoot button full pressed --> picture taken
Shoot button half pressed --> red lines of previous picture appear, ...
Appears on the lover left (White over black), Red dot on over exposure I guess
Focus on a rather dark region and a bright lamp in the corner does not show me any zebra (as I used to have on my G15)

Re: G16 Porting Thread - Test Versions Available
« Reply #126 on: 12 / January / 2018, 19:07:33 »
Focus on a rather dark region and a bright lamp in the corner does not show me any zebra (as I used to have on my G15)
Thanks for the test report. 

As mentioned by reyalp here : Display (bitmap overlay), you might have to crank the threshold values in the Zebra menu up quite a bit from their default values.  Try 25 for the OverExposure Threshold for example.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: G16 Porting Thread - Test Versions Available
« Reply #127 on: 13 / January / 2018, 17:15:48 »
Focus on a rather dark region and a bright lamp in the corner does not show me any zebra (as I used to have on my G15)
Thanks for the test report. 

As mentioned by reyalp here : Display (bitmap overlay), you might have to crank the threshold values in the Zebra menu up quite a bit from their default values.  Try 25 for the OverExposure Threshold for example.

Got some Zebra now.
I set
UnderExposure Threshhold to 5
OvererExposure Threshhold to 25
The over exposed surfaces are fully filled

Some screen shots are here.
No shoot button pressed:
Half pressed:

Some other details:
-No possibility to wake up the G16 other than power Off/On
-Changing some settings are effective only after a reboot
-CHDK Menu flickering much less that previous builds

Greetings and thanks again for the fantastic work!


Re: G16 Porting Thread - Test Versions Available
« Reply #128 on: 13 / January / 2018, 23:30:29 »
No possibility to wake up the G16 other than power Off/On
Does this mean that if you press the Playback button (the one with the Blue Triangle inside a blue rectangle beside the OVF) then your camera will not turn on?  Strange if true - that works fine on both of my G16's

Changing some settings are effective only after a reboot
Can you give me a couple of examples?  If this is true, it's almost certainly not a problem specific to the 1.01h port but something general in CHDK core code.

CHDK Menu flickering much less that previous builds
I can't say that anything much has changed here but if it looks better that's good!

@reyalp : the 1.00h f/w for the G16 is probably ready to enable in the autobuild if you have a spare moment.  TIA.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline reyalp

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Re: G16 Porting Thread - Test Versions Available
« Reply #129 on: 13 / January / 2018, 23:39:24 »
the 1.00h f/w for the G16 is probably ready to enable in the autobuild if you have a spare moment.  TIA.
Done, r4977
« Last Edit: 13 / January / 2018, 23:41:24 by reyalp »
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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