After running MD, the camera crashes with the lens out when I attempt to switch to play mode or power off. This happens with both MDFB2013.bas and md_tune.bas, both in test and shooting mode. It only happens if IS is enabled in the Canon menu.
So, after a bunch of debug logs, digging through stack traces and so on, I think I've figured this one out...
mdfb2013 does
set_prop(props.IS_MODE, 3) -- IS_MODE off
On G7X, off is 2

Manually calling set_prop to restore it to one of the allowed values avoids the crash.
So it's a script bug, not a port bug. However, it does raise an issue: For portable scripts, it's not enough to have platform independent propcase IDs, in some cases we need them for the values too.
I'm not sure how to fit this in framework of propcase.lua. Perhaps another module with higher level functions.