I´ve tested up to 80, but 100 is fine on both cams.
function exitalt(x) -- keeps 'cursor' on place x=x or 1 sleep(99); wait_click(22) if x~=0 then exit_alt() end; wait_click(22) repeat sleep(333) until get_alt_mode()-- if get_mode() then set_record(false) end -- update values EXP_COUNT=string.format("_%04d.",get_exp_count() or 0)-- INSERT_MAP[1][3]=EXP_COUNT sleep(1000) play_sound(4)end
// core/console.c// misc->console->display last console// * /-------------------------------------------------------------------static void save_console(){ FILE *fh = fopen("A/console.Log","wb"); if(!fh) return; short i=0; static char const *c; c=&console_buf[0][0];// fwrite((char *)&console_buf,sizeof(console_buf),1,fh); while (i<MAX_CONSOLE_HISTORY*(MAX_CONSOLE_LINE_LENGTH+1)) { while (*c=='\0') { c++; i++;} // need while (*c!='\0') {fwrite((char *)c,1,1,fh); c++; i++;} fwrite((char *)"\n",1,1,fh); while (i%(MAX_CONSOLE_LINE_LENGTH+1)!=0) {c++; i++;} } fclose(fh);}//-------------------------------------------------------------------* / case KEY_LEFT: save_console(); break;
That console.c has one of my enhancements that never disturbs:https://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=14048.msg144026#msg144026But G16 can´t save console.Log.It hangs without crashing instead until bat taken out.(Btw. All my cams do that, when I try to save empty console for some cracyness;)
(// but no save console again, same as g16.)
@19$51: 54 'do'@51: '_@'@20$52: 35 'if x==1 exec {'@78: 'if==__=__=__=__=__=__=_'@21$78: 34 'exec { ?"Break with bug"'@78: 'if==__=__=__=__=__=__=_?'@22$78: 60 '?"Break with bug"'Break with bug@78: 'if==__=__=__=__=__=__=_?$@'@23$79: 256 'bug,bug'@79: 'bug,'@24$79: 24 ',bug'@79: 'bug,'0 Mb 1730 Log -23@ 2020/9/1 # 18:47:4424:79 uBASIC: Unk stmtbug,@25$79: 256 'bug,bug'*** ABGEBROCHEN ***@48: 'playsound@'@18$50: 60 '?bug,"-----------",x,bug'50 ----------- 7 50@50: '?_,$,,_@'
so it would only be useful for non-script messages or cases where you decide you want to save it after the the fact.
//* Line 1386 struct tm *ttm = get_localtime(); sprintf(osd_buf, "%08d :%02u:%02u:%02u",get_tick_count(), ttm->tm_hour, ttm->tm_min, ttm->tm_sec); console_add_line(osd_buf); //*/ if (conf.console_show) console_draw(force_redraw);No need to repeat, that´s the console.log00002910 :21:15:2000000490 :21:15:1800000570 :21:15:1800000650 :21:15:1800000800 :21:15:1800000880 :21:15:1800000960 :21:15:1800001040 :21:15:1900001120 :21:15:1900001200 :21:15:1900001280 :21:15:1900001360 :21:15:1900001440 :21:15:1900001530 :21:15:1900001610 :21:15:1900001710 :21:15:1900001790 :21:15:1900001870 :21:15:1900001950 :21:15:1900002030 :21:15:2000002110 :21:15:2000002190 :21:15:2000002270 :21:15:2000002350 :21:15:2000002430 :21:15:2000002510 :21:15:2000002590 :21:15:2000002670 :21:15:2000002750 :21:15:2000002830 :21:15:20
static int luaCB_exception( lua_State* L ){ int i=0; while (i<1); {i++;} // Romlog on demand? 20 secs later return 00;} FUNC(exception) // ~~line 3000// click "shoot_half"; exception() //...;....1....;....2....;....3....;....4....;....5....;....6....;....7....;....// tokenizer.h TOKENIZER_EXCEPTION, // Romlog? 20 secs later// tokenizer.c {"exception", TOKENIZER_EXCEPTION}, // Romlog on demand? 20 secs later// ubasic.c // statement & factor case TOKENIZER_EXCEPTION: // Romlog on demand? 20 secs later ended=0; while (ended<1); {ended++;}// click "shoot_half"~exception
Code: [Select] int i=0; while (i<1);
int i=0; while (i<1);
if is_pressed "zoom_in" then k=22 if is_pressed "zoom_out" then k=24
if is_key "zoom_in" then k=22 if is_key "zoom_out" then k=24
Former tricks, that don´t change anything here:void JogDial_CW(void){ _PostLogicalEventToUI(0x874, 1); // RotateJogDialRight #undef CAM_KEY_PRESS_DELAY #define CAM_KEY_PRESS_DELAY 120
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