IXUS185/ELPH185 1.00A fw dump - Firmware Dumping - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

IXUS185/ELPH185 1.00A fw dump

  • 6 Replies

Offline alvm

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IXUS185/ELPH185 1.00A fw dump
« on: 26 / April / 2017, 05:51:47 »

bootloader start is 0xff810000, firmware start is 0xff820000


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: IXUS185/ELPH185 1.00A fw dump
« Reply #1 on: 26 / April / 2017, 13:26:06 »
Thanks for the dumps.

For the record, this model no longer seems to have an Elph name (meaning Canon USA and probably Canada no longer offer it).

The Ixus 185 is called IXY 200 in Japan, the Ixus 190 is IXY 210. Interestingly, the Japanese names can also be found in these dumps.

Please remove the first 0x10000 bytes from this particular dump before you archive it. It was dumped from 0xff800000, our dumps need to start at 0xff810000.
alvm's 16MB dumps are OK, those can remain as they are.


Offline fe50

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Re: IXUS185/ELPH185 1.00A fw dump
« Reply #2 on: 30 / April / 2017, 03:05:25 »
@alvm: thanks for the dump !
@srsa_4c: thanks for the hint !

Added the
  • IXUS 185 1.00A
full 8MB dump by alvm from this forum post to the CHDK P&S FW dumps repository ("IXUS / ELPH series" section).
(stripped first 0x10000 bytes)

Re: IXUS185/ELPH185 1.00A fw dump
« Reply #3 on: 06 / October / 2017, 02:57:51 »
Is there anyone working on porting CHDK to this (Ixus 185) model? Or anyone who could make an intelligent guess as to whether it will be ported at all, since this model does not even seem to be on the North American market, among other things?

I have bought 2 Ixus 185:s for a cheap bookscanner project. The key to this is of course to have remote trigger capability, and this is impossible without the added functionality that CHDK gives. I haven't even been able to find the firmware version through the normal ver.req/vers.req method, which does not seem to work for this model. Is it possible to load CHDK for different yet similar models in case I am out of luck?

I'm obviously completely new to CHDK and camera modifying, grateful for any type of answers. Apologies if this is posted in the wrong thread.


Offline reyalp

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Re: IXUS185/ELPH185 1.00A fw dump
« Reply #4 on: 06 / October / 2017, 03:23:49 »
Is it possible to load CHDK for different yet similar models in case I am out of luck?
CHDK builds for other models will not work.

(For completeness, there have been a few exceptions where different models were really same camera, sometimes with/without GPS, but I don't think there's any CHDK supported camera that would be a candidate in this case)
Or anyone who could make an intelligent guess as to whether it will be ported at all, since this model does not even seem to be on the North American market, among other things?
There's no schedule, ports are made when someone with the required programming skills puts in the time to make a port. That said, no one has worked on this on this one since the dumps were posted, so there's no reason to expect a port any time soon.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: IXUS185/ELPH185 1.00A fw dump
« Reply #5 on: 06 / October / 2017, 10:17:13 »
Many thanks for the quick reply! I figured as much, unfortunately, but had to try asking someone who was informed.

I will bother this thread with one last question. Is it possible to place a commission for a port to be made for this model, is it possible to request a competent programmer to do such a task for a payment (without knowing about the time, effort, and cost involved of course). If so, is there a relevant board to place requests in this forum?


Offline reyalp

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Re: IXUS185/ELPH185 1.00A fw dump
« Reply #6 on: 06 / October / 2017, 13:01:01 »
Is it possible to place a commission for a port to be made for this model, is it possible to request a competent programmer to do such a task for a payment (without knowing about the time, effort, and cost involved of course).
There isn't.

FWIW, fair compensation for the work required to make a port would probably be something like 10 times what you paid for those cameras. So if you just want cameras that run CHDK, your best bet would likely be to return or re-sell them and get a supported model.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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