Back story leading up to request:
In preparation for this year's solar eclipse on August 21st, I made some modifications to my Meade ETX-90 telescope and bought a Thousand Oaks solar filter.
In order to create the best composite image of a total solar eclipse and capture all of the different eclipse features (corona, chromosphere, baily's beads, prominences, etc) one needs to take as many shots as possible while cycling through different shutter speeds.
So, say I chose an ISO of 200, with f-stop at 11, I would ideally need to cycle through the following shutter speeds/exposures over and over during the 3 minutes that the total eclipse lasts: 1 second, 1/2, 1/4, 1/15, 1/60, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000, 1/4000. Over and over again during 3 minutes. Without touching the camera so as to not ruin the exposures and of course just enjoy the eclipse without fiddling with the camera.
If there was 1 second in between shots, every cycle would take 10.3 seconds, which means I could cycle through these exposure about 17 times during the 3 minutes, taking a total of 156 pictures. And then use Registax and Photoshop to try and create an amazing composite image.
Now you see where I'm going with this. Is there an existing script or can a script be designed to set an ISO, an f-stop and then cycle through the different shutter speeds over and over and over again??
I have CHDK on both a Canon Powershot SD880IS and Canon EOS M3. Ideally, I will be running this on the M3.