I'm looking for some way to use the built-in SX530HS wifi to copy files to a PC under CHDK control.
There may be a indirect way, by using Canon's (some times unreliable) Camera Connect App, but I have only tried
the Android version's on my Sx600, Sx610 and EOS M3.:-
a/ SX530HS via the Wi-Fi CC-app to a smart phone or smart tablet and then download to your PC.
b/ SX530HS via the Wi-Fi CC-app to a second CHDK enabled and wifi CC-app capable Camera USB tethered to a PC.
c/ When I tried some recent versions Canons PC software I couldn't get a direct connection via the wifi CC-app.
Just a vague connection error message (
Note:1 Older versions of the wifi CC-app can be found by using Google, however some caution is then required.
Note:2 The Wi-Fi CC-app can then be de-compressed just by changing the file extension CC-app.apk to CC-app .zip
Note:3 The Wi-Fi CC-app can then be dis-assembled by using ARMu, IDA-Demo or similar.
Note:4 I then compare the dis-assembly's to establish that they are an OK version.
Note:4 Running CHDK and the Wi-Fi CC-app doesn't crash my cameras.
Re:- « Reply #5... » Non Wi-Fi Solution's.
An Explanation for anyone interested in CHDK Camera Array but Non Wi-Fi rigs.
Edit #1 New Attached Files:-
GPS SD &SDHC Card Reader Extension Cable.jpg
Micro SD TF Memory Card Kit.jpg
The Basic concept is to modify the FourSee Camera Array Rig, (as shown in the attached photo; Reply #5),
to enable external access to the SD Card's. But another problem is that the rigs position is then changed slightly when Inserting or Removing the SD Cards. (
) This is why the Wi-Fi method is then preferded.
a/ "...Basically, I'm trying to have an array of () cameras functions as one.
I've done this many times before, but always using USB for sync and then being stuck with the problem of
how to collect the captures when done..."
Use the GPS SD &SDHC Card Reader Extension Cable kits.
b/ "...because the PowerShot N doesn't take SD cards..."
Use a Micro SD to SD TF Memory Card extention Kit