Hello there, i am completely newbee in scriptwriting and i hope if someone could help me.
I have SX50HS and i use chdkptp to connect and control camera. I need to make a remote video. In other words i just need to press video button and release it in some time.
It works fine in gui mode of chdkptp, but i would like to automatically launch a video in a cli mode. i have been trying it about a week already.
I tried to wrote a script which press("video") and then release it, but in cli mode when i turn camera to rec mode and then tryng to execute a script (.loadfile("A:/CHDK/Scripts/Extention/video.lua")() or exec(video.lua())) cli writes "I/O error" and camera shutdown.
Now i am lack of new ideas how to fix this problem.
Hoping you will help me.
Thanks a lot anyway!
PS i also tried video50.lua script from topic:
The result is still the same, camera is turning off and cli reports about error. Maybe i am just doing wrong with cli command to execute a script, but a have tried it many times in different syntax according to the manual.