CHDK grids do not fit on my Ixus 300 HS.
I see that too. I'll take a look at fixing it.
After zoom_set, I have to zoom IN first, I cannot zoom out. Only after zooming in, I can zoom out... Is there a particular reason for this - does it have to be this way?
Interesting. If you look at the Canon OSD zoom icon, it seems it does not update when the set_zoom function is issued. Apparently the camera does not realize that the zoom position has changed. It still thinks you are zoomed all the way out and thus will not try to zoom any farther out when you press the zoom lever.
I tried doing an "half press" on the shutter button to see if that would cause it to notice the changed zoom position but that didn't work.
I'll try testing the
CAM_USE_ALT_PT_MoveOpticalZoomAt option but if that doesn't work we might be at an impasse here.
EDIT : using
CAM_USE_ALT_PT_MoveOpticalZoomAt solves the problem as long as I also add
CAM_NEED_SET_ZOOM_DELAY. I'll submit another patch once I finish torture testing and figure out the display issues with the grid settings.
Can this auto ISO behavior be adjusted easily?
Easily? I doubt it. Sorry. I'm certainly not touching that code (see below).
I'm not really sure how is ISO calculated with flash On.
The operation of the Custom Auto ISO code is generally not well documented. Looking at the code, Custom Auto ISO disables itself if your flash is set to Auto mode. But if you set the flash ON or OFF, the code calculates exposure without paying any attention to that setting from what I can tell. I've tried taking two shots with identical settings other than the flash being ON or OFF to see what happens and while the exposure changes, it's not clear to me how the changes are determined. But it seems having the flash enabled changes the Canon exposure settings and Custom Auto ISO then adjusts from there?
There is an attempt at explaining some of how Custom Auto ISO works here :
CHDK User Manual : Custom Auto ISO but there were major changes accepted in 2011 that are somewhat explained here :
tsvstar Re: Adding new cameras, applying patches into trunk (with source code prepared) but not necessarily well explained in the manual. If you are feeling the need to help out here, doing a good edit on that section of the user manual would be a big help - you certainly have the written skills necessary to take that on!