Oh god I need help! I must be stupid.. - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Oh god I need help! I must be stupid..

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Oh god I need help! I must be stupid..
« on: 10 / May / 2008, 00:54:39 »
Hello all.

I am having some difficulty with my setup.

I have a Canon PowerShot A720IS with Allbest #50 firmware.

What I am trying to do is shoot some photos to make HDR photos.   So I tried 'Universal Bracketing' script.

I am not exactly sure how I should setup my camera but... here is what I have tried...

I set my camera to P mode, load the script and number of shot to 3 and step to 3.

Now I press MENU button to clear the screen so I can see my subject better.

Now I press my Shuttle and script starts to work and starts taking pictures.
But... as the pictures are being taken my EV is all 0EV.   Why?

Am I doing something wrong here?
Should I be using some other shooting mode? and should I do something to prepare before shooting pictures with the script?
Should I even be using this script or is there other script(s) that is better for my camera?

I am just having some difficult time understanding these functions.  Sorry.

Re: Oh god I need help! I must be stupid..
« Reply #1 on: 10 / May / 2008, 06:43:26 »
I'm unfamiliar with that model. What is "P Mode"?
You need to be in a non-automatic mode, I believe.

Pleas keep in mind that some scripts are not always compatible with certain models, while others (so I've read) can be downright buggy.
Is there another script you can try?
Why are you not doing this directly from the CHDK menu? What is it that you need from a script that the menu appears not to have? I ask because you may be able to run a different script altogether but in conjunction with CHDK menu settings to achieve your desired results, if not solely through CHDK itself.
Whoa-Hey! Careful where you point that thing. You're gonna shoot someone!


Re: Oh god I need help! I must be stupid..
« Reply #2 on: 10 / May / 2008, 20:44:59 »
P as in Program mode.

Maybe I should try other scripts.

I didn't know I could do bracket (3 or more shots) directly from CHDK?  How would I go about doing that?  I am having difficult time understanding these terms.

Thank you.


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Re: Oh god I need help! I must be stupid..
« Reply #3 on: 10 / May / 2008, 21:01:55 »
P as in Program mode.

Maybe I should try other scripts.
I am having difficult time understanding these terms.


This is a simple way without scripts:

1. Put in Record Mode
2a. CHDK navigation: press Alt
2b. Extra Photo Operation   / Override shutter speed: (choose)
2c. ...                              / Value Factor: (choose)
2d. ...                              / Shutter speed enum type:  (choose)
2e. Now exit CHDK nav: press Alt
3 Canon navigation:
3a. Dial: Tv
3b. Func Set / Drive Mode /   (C)ustom (Menu)   / Delay: (choose)
3c. ...                                                         / Shots: (choose)
3d. Exit Func Set
4. Ready to shoot

(the topic Bracketing in continous mode using timer)

For more details read this CHDK firmware usage/AllBest - CHDK Wiki .

If you still prefer scripts go there UBASIC - CHDK Wiki
Wikia is plenty of info.

Download and read this too CHDK End-User's Guide & CHDK End-User's Guide - 02 .

Please, search and read before put an already explained question. I know it is difficult at first, but with time you'll get used to the terms.

Welcome and enjoy CHDKing!

Edit: changed the flow of actions for better functionality
« Last Edit: 11 / May / 2008, 12:40:40 by intrnst »
-- funny english, be aware -- CHDK for Dummies - The Very First Steps


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Re: Oh god I need help! I must be stupid..
« Reply #4 on: 10 / May / 2008, 21:13:02 »
-- funny english, be aware -- CHDK for Dummies - The Very First Steps

Re: Oh god I need help! I must be stupid..
« Reply #5 on: 11 / May / 2008, 06:34:30 »
P as in Program mode.

Maybe I should try other scripts.
I am having difficult time understanding these terms.


This is a simple way without scripts:

1. Put in Record Mode

2. Canon navigation:
2a. Dial: Tv
2b. Func Set / Drive Mode /   (C)ustom (Menu)   / Delay: (choose)
...                              / Shots: (choose)
3. CHDK navigation (press Alt)
3a. Extra Photo Operation   / Override shutter speed: (choose)
3b. ...                  / Value Factor: (choose)
3c. ...                  / Shutter speed enum type:  (choose)

(the topic Bracketing in continous mode using timer)

For more details read this CHDK firmware usage/AllBest - CHDK Wiki .

If you still prefer scripts go there UBASIC - CHDK Wiki
Wikia is plenty of info.

Download and read this too CHDK End-User's Guide & CHDK End-User's Guide - 02 .

Please, search and read before put an already explained question. I know it is difficult at first, but with time you'll get used to the terms.

Welcome and enjoy CHDKing!

Well don't you rock! ;)
That was one of the most complete answers ever. "+" to you for taking the time. :)
Whoa-Hey! Careful where you point that thing. You're gonna shoot someone!



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Re: Oh god I need help! I must be stupid..
« Reply #6 on: 11 / May / 2008, 12:50:36 »
Thanks, Kitty, but's our duty. In this way we can leave to the devs the development duties.
Kinda selfish behavior, you know?  ;)
-- funny english, be aware -- CHDK for Dummies - The Very First Steps

Re: Oh god I need help! I must be stupid..
« Reply #7 on: 11 / May / 2008, 13:59:50 »
Here here!
Whoa-Hey! Careful where you point that thing. You're gonna shoot someone!



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Re: Oh god I need help! I must be stupid..
« Reply #8 on: 11 / May / 2008, 21:52:06 »

Don't shoot in P mode as the camera will adjust it's settings to obtain it's best shot, i.e. f8 at 200th second is the same exposure as f5.6 at 100th, F4 at 50th all that will change is the depth of field, use AV mode instead and bracket 6 or more shots depending on the amount of shadow detail you wish to have clearly exposed.

Set your camera to AV on the dial, Turn off the Flash

Enter into CHDK - Extra Photo Operations,

Scroll down to  Bracketing in Continuous mode,  (scroll right)

Scroll down to AV Bracketing value enter 1   (more or less if you prefer, but this is a fair starting point,

Carry on scrolling down to Bracketing type and ensure it's set to +/-,

Scroll down and back out to normal camera operations. The info should be displayed on-screen

Click Function Set
Set iso to 80 subject to light conditions

Scroll down to Drive Mode, side scroll to C timer, you will then notice the DISP is highlighted,

Click on the DISP button to the left of the main MENU, here you can set the delay before the first shot is taken (1-30 seconds)not subsequent shots.
and the number of Shots (set to 6 in this example, you can go to 10) Click Disp to return to menu

Set your focus range to your preference and switch off the IS Mode if you are using a tripod or a solid base (especially recommended shooting HDR)

I would recommend Superfine and L settings.

You are ready to shoot.




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