Help With IDA - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Help With IDA

  • 1 Replies
Help With IDA
« on: 18 / June / 2019, 06:03:56 »
I am just stumbled upon this CHDK community, it really got me excited,
I am trying my way around and got stuck at the first step,
how do i load and decompile the dump.bin using IDA,
those are the steps I did, any help where I went wrong would be appreciated.
1. I instaled IDA PRO 7.
To semi-automate initial stage you need to download and install FLIRT-signatures and IDC-scripts. You can get them here and also in the "Development" folder here.
I downloaded those two folders, and extracted the files .IDC into
Code: [Select]
C:\Program Files\IDA 7.0\idc and the .SIG into
Code: [Select]
C:\Program Files\IDA 7.0\sig\arm.
3.dowmloaded the g7x_100d.7z dump.
4.opend a new project in IDA

5.did it right?

6.clicked shift+F5>right click>apply new signature>CanonFW_A-Series

7.clicked execute a script file>C:\Program Files\IDA 7.0\idc
too several minutes to run,
8.and now what? no script ehat soever

any help?


Offline reyalp

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Re: Help With IDA
« Reply #1 on: 18 / June / 2019, 13:08:49 »

The IDA stuff has not been updated for digic 6 / thumb 2 firmware, so I wouldn't
expect it to work. Given that IDA is rather expensive, the focus in recent years has been on things like the sig finders that can be used by everyone.

My suggestion would be to use functions identified by the sig finder. There is a script to load them into Ghidra at
If you are familiar with IDA you should be able to whip something similar up. That will identify a couple thousand functions for G7X. If you aren't already an IDA user, you might want to just use Ghidra.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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