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Multicam Rig for Events - Step By Step Help Please!!

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Offline reyalp

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Re: Multicam Rig for Events - Step By Step Help Please!!
« Reply #30 on: 30 / August / 2017, 22:38:32 »
I noticed that the images from both cameras I am using are downloading into the same folder. Is there any way I can specify that each camera's images should download into an individual folder?
What command are you using to download?

using mc:download_images(), images should go into camera specific folders by default (numbered with the number listed when you connect), but you can control the specific path with the dst option.

mc:download_images supports the same substitution options as imdl (see as well as ${id} which is the camera number.

You can use the pretend and verbose options to see what it will do, e.g.

Code: [Select]
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: Multicam Rig for Events - Step By Step Help Please!!
« Reply #31 on: 31 / August / 2017, 13:01:35 »

Back in reply #6, when you said:
"You can find all the available commands near the bottom of the muticam.lua file."

Did you mean the actual file in the chdkptp file folder in Windows? I tried to open that in Windows and it doesn't seem to know how to open it. Or were you referring to a website? Or something in Command Prompt? I'm unsure about this and would love to know how to see the other commands :-)  Thank you.

Re: Multicam Rig for Events - Step By Step Help Please!!
« Reply #32 on: 31 / August / 2017, 13:05:32 »
Did you mean the actual file in the chdkptp file folder in Windows?

I tried to open that in Windows and it doesn't seem to know how to open it.
Tell Windows to use Notepad.exe to open it

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Offline reyalp

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Re: Multicam Rig for Events - Step By Step Help Please!!
« Reply #33 on: 31 / August / 2017, 13:10:27 »

Back in reply #6, when you said:
"You can find all the available commands near the bottom of the muticam.lua file."

Did you mean the actual file in the chdkptp file folder in Windows? I tried to open that in Windows and it doesn't seem to know how to open it.
Lua source code is just text, so you can open it with any text editor. You can also view the source online

The online view has syntax highlighting. The grey text following -- or --[[ are comments, which may help you understand some of the multicam features.

The multcam commands start with cmds, like
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: Multicam Rig for Events - Step By Step Help Please!!
« Reply #34 on: 31 / August / 2017, 13:13:16 »
Great, thank you.

Also, in reply #6, you mentioned other codes, such as "mc:init_sync()". These didnt have exclamation points before them like the previous commands did. Do they need exclamation points? Like this "!mc:init_sync()"  ?


Offline reyalp

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Re: Multicam Rig for Events - Step By Step Help Please!!
« Reply #35 on: 31 / August / 2017, 13:27:06 »
Also, in reply #6, you mentioned other codes, such as "mc:init_sync()". These didnt have exclamation points before them like the previous commands did. Do they need exclamation points? Like this "!mc:init_sync()"  ?
The ! is how you run PC side lua code. The multicam stuff is all Lua functions rather than CLI commands, so you need the ! to run any of the stuff that starts with mc:

USAGE.TXT and the CLI Quickstart and Scripting Guide links I gave in that post provide more details.

Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: Multicam Rig for Events - Step By Step Help Please!!
« Reply #36 on: 31 / August / 2017, 13:34:55 »
OK great! Thank you :-)

Re: Multicam Rig for Events - Step By Step Help Please!!
« Reply #37 on: 31 / August / 2017, 22:39:00 »
Good points :-)
Can you explain the comment
"Three ping pong ball's, or similar, will make rotate alignment's much easier in post-processing."
in more detail please? Sounds useful.
Your  semi-circular rig will have a focus point common to all the cameras in the middle of all cameras, H and V, field's of view.

If you place a (single) ball alignment target at that point you can then adjust the, course, x-y camera alignment's.
The, fine, x-y (and r) camera alignment's are then done using Align_Image_Stack, and these values are re-used when
attempting to create the gif's or video's.

For the rotate camera alignment requires a vertical line through the focus point common to all the cameras.
To obtain the best and most accurate rotate camera alignment the vertical line should be as long as possible.
While maintaining the focus common to the cameras H and V, field's of view's.
An easy way to achieve this is with two additional ball targets.
i.e. Ping-Pong, tennis, golf balls (or even a trig-ball anchor-ball as by surveyors and sailors).


Imagine a spinning top, at the focus point common to all the cameras.
Initially the tops axis is perfectly aligned as above. Then at the very end the top no longer maintains this perfect alignment.
That is similar to what will happen if the x-y or rotate camera alignment drift etc. i.e. a "Fast Jitter" and/or a "Slow Wobble"
Both types can become very annoying.

If you then have an additional overhead camera to capture a common "Plan View" you might also
be able to use PhotoScan software to then create a PhotoScan wire frame 3D model. That may be useful in some
circumstances. i.e. Camera Locations etc.  Note that horizontal x-y views have more
"PhotoScan-Data" and vertical plan view will have less "PhotoScanData". i.e. the H and V have different resolution's.

Also note that there will be an optimum "Subject" location i.e. at or near-by to the focus point of the cameras, H and V, field's of view.

So some times all the cameras might be orientated in portrait or other times in landscape.

« Last Edit: 08 / September / 2017, 20:52:57 by Hardware_Hacker »

Re: Multicam Rig for Events - Step By Step Help Please!!
« Reply #38 on: 05 / September / 2017, 18:37:59 »
Good to know, thank you.

Re: Multicam Rig for Events - Step By Step Help Please!!
« Reply #39 on: 05 / September / 2017, 18:39:42 »
Will it affect my synch accuracy if I have USB cables of varying lengths?
AKA, if I use eight 5' cables and eight 3' cables, will my synch time be any less accurate than if I use all 5' cables?


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