OK, starting to delve into Hugin, as some have suggested. But wow is this a complicated program! I think what I am looking to do is:
Any help or hints would be appreciated, and yes I know there are tutorials on their website, but I don't even know what any of this would be called, so I don't know where to start. :-)
A few un-documented things about Hugin, or similar software.
Hugin's main use is for Panorama Photography, so as downloaded that's what Hugin's default settings are optimized for Align_Image_Stack (part of Hugin) can be used as a separate, command line, utility.
And sometimes is used as part of other software such as "Luminance HDR" software.
So as you are attempting to align a series still frames into a mini video, Hugin's settings/defaults then need to be re-optimized for MAXIMIUM OVERLAP of the pairs of cameras.
Starting with the series of common photos of the Ball Target, these settings are reused when attempting to create the final video/Gif file. (Example:- the *.pto file.)
This is "VERY DIFFERENT" to attempting to align a single row or multiple rows of 10%-20% overlapping "Panoramic" photos.
So Align_Image_Stack (A_I_S) now need's to be the primary, fine alignment option, followed by none or some of the other "Optional" CL-programs.
Also Hugins default (course) rotate is +/- 30 degrees, BUT the (course) rotate is achieved, by eye, when setting-up the multi-camera rig array. I use 100 steps of +/- 3 degrees as the new default, or finer, i.e +/- 1 degree, if you use a Canon/CHDK grid as the course in camera alignment option.
An "EYE-Candy" Example. Edit #1:-
A, commercial, State of the Art "Multi-Cam Rig for Events" by Mark Ruff of Time-Slice-au and "How it Works" here;
http://www.timesplice.com.au/camera-array.htmlHis "NEW" Multi-Cam Rig example is here;
http://www.timesplice.com.au/360-camera-array.htmlOf some interest; "...The 60 frames are then positionally stabilised, aperture corrected and then turned into 1080 frames.
Next, it is combined with a 2D background and the scene is temporally ramped to provide a smooth and non linear playback..."
"..Some other 360 degree shots..." here;
http://www.timesplice.com.au/360gallery/360blkdress.htmland here;
http://www.timesplice.com.au/3D-camera-array-fashion.htmlThe video lead in/out effect, can be achieved, with additional Chdk-Movie-Mode Cameras synced/delayed via the
well known/documented "Stills-in Video" method.
The 2d Panoramic background created (separately) with, AutoStich-Demo, Hugin, and lot's more similar types of programs.
The "...turned into 1080 frames..." is a bit more of a chalange, might be able to be done with Pt-Interpolate
which was part of the original version (2000) of Pt-Tools. Or by using the PhotoScan Demo.
"...The camera array is also 3D ready!...60 cameras is equivalent to 59 stereo pairs..."
A_I_S, Hugin and PhotoScan all have options for the "Paring" of cameras.
PT Tools (2000) is Here; PanoTools.org Wiki,
Pt-Interpolate; Download example project
Edit #2 Added the Attachments.