Hi guys,Back at keyboard briefly with a fresh multilapse.log having followed the correct proceedure.
chdkptp -c -i=post_levent_to_ui"UnpressPowerButton"recremoteshoot
I followed your instructions as best I could (didn't quite know what to do with "chdkptp -c -i"), so I used my live command initiation approach of path to my executable/chdkptp.sh then
All the commands seemed to work and allow remote shoot until I got to this one:con 5> connectconnected: Canon IXUS 160, max packet size 512con> reccon 1> =set_prop(require("propcase").RESOLUTION, 1)con 2> remoteshootWARNING: capture_get_data error I/O errorWARNING: error waiting for shot script nilERROR: I/O error uninit I/O errorand the camera crashed too, with the lens extended. I attach the romlog from immediately after this crash
-- cli_cmd('=set_prop(require("propcase").RESOLUTION, 1)')
=return get_prop(require'propcase'.RESOLUTION)
L = 0M1 = 2M2 = 3S =5W =0
I started feeling cocky, so I added my ftp details into the multilapse-config but, despite an apparent connection to my ftp server, the images didn't upload.log file attached
os.execute('curl -s -S -i -u "'..config.user..'" -F uploadedfile=@'..filename..' -F camera='..config.camera_ID..' -F timeStamp='..timestamp..' '..config.upload_URL)
L = 0M1 = 2M2 = 3S =5W =0That mostly makes sense: The fact 1 isn't present explains the crash, but W seems suspect. Are you sure it isn't an 8?
I believe the curl command is set up to use http upload rather than ftp, so you probably need to change that if you want FTP. In any case, you can debug it outside of the script manually setting values based on the line that generates the curl command:
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