Hey ottokar ,
I will try to combine some of your questions in my following things i will write.
First of all , 64 cameras are not enough , for so many reasons.One of them is the coverage of adults and kids i mentioned in a previous post.
Another reason is the low spec cameras.That's why everyone goes for 100+ cameras or dslrs.
With e.g. 100 dslrs you take a near-perfect model , and you just send it to the printer.Almost zero work is required.
But with compacts , you need post-shooting work .2 Hours is the minimum for someone that knows what must be done , knows about modelling , sculpting , painting.
So what "businessmen" want to do since they don't know anything about 3d ? Easy to setup system , many cameras , cheap and near-perfect result so they don't need to rely to some 3d designer to "fix" the model.They just want to send it directly to printer.Easy money.Well , there is no cheap system to do that.You need , as i said , many dslrs to come close to this scenario.And dslrs are not cheap.
So , we are all stucked with crappy compacts and ofc you can't get enough of them , because cost starts to go high.You take few , you fix the model fast and "profit".For 2hours work + 30mins of shooting minus printing cost = a nice amount of money
As far as what you suggest about splitting cameras for projection and texturing it can't be done.As i said above , cameras are not enough as they are.You can get a decent model with only 40 (we did it once , rest of cameras turned off and we didn't notice

) and get texture from 24 carefully selected cameras...sure it might be possible.
But i am sure that these 2 hours will increase , more work would be necessary , since less cameras = less details = more imperfections.
There must be a balance between profit (price-expenses) and the work that must be done for producing the end result/model.If we waste a whole "working day" to "ready" a model...its not profitable anymore.
And in periods (summer , christmas , easter , etc) were the clients are increased , you cant make one model per day...
Dont forget that in Greece , there is noone that prints.There was one , he stopped.Another one , his prints are crappy as hell.We send them abroad and we have a "delivery time" that we can't control that we have to calculate in the whole process.
EDIT : We couldn't go below 5 secs.We tried alot of things.We did some benchmarking on cameras , we tried to use same kind of sd cards in all of them.Below 5 secs wasn't reliable.
Either sd cards don't perform the same?Lag because of mechanisms in cameras?Chdk to blame?Combination of all ?I dont know.
Anyway , adults can stand still for 5 secs.kids and animals are whole different story.We take single shots..either patterned or/and non-patterned and we combine body parts..usually a good face with a body..depends on parents what they will choose.
Animals...dogs are more cooperative to be honest.Just keep a treat in front of them and they kill keep perfectly still for hours