@ottokar Technical side of things has not changed alot.At some point we added 3 projectors projecting a pattern on the human being shot , so RC can find more reference points and align photos more easily.
RC has no trouble aligning photos of big distances ( e.g. drone photos) but when it comes to camera rig where the object/human , being shot is relatively close to cameras ,it has hard time (some of the times) to get a correct align.So we help it with the projected pattern
Other than that , setup is working as intended , with minor problems mostly because usb connections get loose some times and cameras lose connection .Nothing serious.
The other part of the whole project is the business part.
When we started it like 2-3 years ago , it was a new idea for Greece , and there was a hype..tv channels wanted to cover the whole thing , we made some live tv appearances and some recorded ones

Sites wrote some articles about us , people were coming in numbers.Celebrities wanting to cash in their "x followers on y social media"-advertise to get a free miniature...Good times.
Then we had "capital controls" applied in our economy system.Practically people couldnt withdraw more than around 800 euros per week.So as you said , 3d printed miniatures was and still is a non-essential service and given the restriction on money withdraw , people would rather spend these weekly money on survival things rather than 3d printed stuff.
So there was a reduction on people coming to get their face scanned

But still people kept coming ..
But as you suspected we have the "repeated customers".Usually parents that scan their children at periodical intervals to get their children's growth on miniatures.We have many of them.
Others that liked the first one and get their relatives/friends to get one.And of course there some that got one and that's it.
Business is low at this time..but at "good times" , the whole rig paid out its money , so now it is working for the "extra coin" since we do 3d modelling/designing/animation works at the same time that pay more and in less time (clear profit).
Do people's expectation match up to reality?This is a good question.The answer can't be yes or no.It is yes and no.Its related to someone's personality.
Keep in mind tha people dont usually see themselves in 3d perspective in their real life..they can't see their back from outside or their sides.So , many people when they see their miniature are a bit confused ...its their first time they see themselves from all angles.These kind of people have some minor complaints like "my butt isnt like this" , " my ears arent that big" , etc etc.
We explain them what is happening (to them) , they get it and its all good.
Then we have the other category of people.Those that aren't satisfied with anything..either its about miniature or anything else in their life.No matter how perfect you make their miniature..they refuse to see that..they look like this.They live in denial in general
There are others that they think that because they paid a shitload of money they must complain about something..to feel that they are in control of the whole thing.
We have the major category "women" , that they want a cheap plastic surgery (in miniature) , because probably the real one is too expensive
Seriously now , complains from all of the above categories are rare..like 1 out of 20 miniatures..most of them are jumping up and down when they get their miniatures out of happiness
PS : Sorry that took me 3 days to answer/write something..mail notification went straight to junk mail..wtf...