So I just started working on implementing the power sync and I'm having some trouble. When I plug my camera into the switch and the switch into my computer it won't connect to chdk_ptp. Does this mean my switch isn't wired properly or do I have to run a command first?
Edit 2: Nevermind I just had to put the command directly into the action function, but it no longer prints what it's supposed to in the console. Before I would type !return mc:stage(1) and it would print "__ Cameras Detected" by returning that string at the end of the function. Any advice?
I can now change the download folder and delete the images off the cameras afterwards, but is there some way I can delete the DCIM sub directory as well?
local myfiles=t=mc:find_files('A/DCIM',{dmatch='.*',fmatch='.*',dirsfirst=false,ff_func='find_files_all_fn'})mc:delete_files_list(myfiles)
local myfiles=mc:find_files('A/DCIM',{dmatch='%d%d%d___%d%d',fmatch='%d%d%d___%d%d/.*',dirsfirst=false,ff_func='find_files_all_fn'})
I've got everything working well but when I executeCode: [Select]mc:cmdwait('rec')How do I get rid of the highlighted bits?
edit: Oh also if there a variable I can grab that tells me how many images I downloaded with download_images,
and how do I tell printf to start a new line in the console?
edit2: Sorry to keep asking questions, but is there a boolean that says whether or not there's a script currently running on the cameras, or a start function that only starts a script if there isn't one already running?
There currently isn't a way to set the default without modifying the code, but I'll add one in a bit.
local total=0for id,imgs in pairs(list) do total=total+#imgsendprintf("total %d\n",total)
self:download_images({dst = 'imgdump/${serial}.JPG'})=>sjh1iu88ass291.JPG (This isn't an actual serial number, I just mashed random keys on my keyboard but you get the point)
self:download_images({dst = 'imgdump/${string.sub(serial,1,3)}.JPG})
update_mode_list failed a script is already running
I'd like to condense the image names down to the first 3 characters of the serial code, but if I try to use something likeCode: [Select]self:download_images({dst = 'imgdump/${string.sub(serial,1,3)}.JPG})I get errors. I assume I'm not allowed to use string.sub inside of download_images but since serial in a property of download images I'm not sure how to avoid this.
edit 2: Just commenting out the warnf line that printed them worked but I'm still getting one error occasionally,Code: [Select]update_mode_list failed a script is already running
I'd use CLI but I'm developing this system for commandlineaphobes (totally a real word).
So if I connect all 60 cameras and save their serial numbers, is there a way I can quickly iterate through all those serial numbers when one camera decides to die out and figure out which one died? So like if I can only connect to 58 the program would download a new list and cross reference the two list to see which serial numbers were missing?
I can probably add an option or a similar function to just report the dead ones and remove them from the current list.
Lately I've been working on my image naming convention. I need the image names from each camera to stay consistent in order to save the camera positions, and naming using the cameras serial numbers seems like the best way.
I assume I'm not allowed to use string.sub inside of download_images but since serial in a property of download images I'm not sure how to avoid this.
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