my short timelapse documentary movie - Creative Uses of CHDK - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

my short timelapse documentary movie

  • 1 Replies
my short timelapse documentary movie
« on: 17 / November / 2017, 03:04:52 »

I've made a short timelapse documentary using Canon G12 and G1X cameras (except for 2 or 3 scenes filmed with Nikon D800).
It's about my hometown (Pruszcz Gdanski, Poland). I've started filming in 2013 and this production was shown in a local cinema this week.
"Fast intervalometer" was used for most scenes, "Simple intervalometer" for almost all hyperlapses and YASS v3 for the scenes with changing exposure (sunsets etc.).
The music was composed by my friend.

Here's the full version (16 mins.):

Here's the short version (4 mins.):

I hope you like it!


Offline reyalp

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Re: my short timelapse documentary movie
« Reply #1 on: 17 / November / 2017, 16:05:33 »
Nice :D
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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